Wednesday 26th October 2011 search in the floods in Madras
Very tired this morning as we head off in the dark hours to the airport bound for Madras via Bombay.
We arrive safely at our hotel an with a quick turnaround, we are on the road in search for our Madras based relatives.
Here in Madras was our first experience of the monsoon rains.... Fortunately, we were in our taxi when it really poured. The roads were flooding, with the drainage system unable to cope. It was common to see several people on motorbikes, holding up umbrellas .... as they happily ploughed through the 1ft plus road rivers..
As before, we were feeling a little anxious about meeting Aunty Maureen, mums younger sister. We had been told that she looked a lot like mum.... And she did. I was not sure how I felt.. I just found myself staring at her to start with. She and the family made Dave and I feel very welcome. They had cooked the anglo indian favourites - beef fry, pork vindaloo and biriyani to name a few. Poor ole Dave was still suffering.. Popping Imodium tablets like they were going out of fashion. So he missed out on the feast, and watched on as I made up for him... Yum!
We then drove about 5km away to meet mums brother, Uncle Loffie and family. This really was our highlight of the trip so far. Uncle Loffie is an elderly man of few words, but with a cheeky grin and a glint in his eye.. We had been told he was a bit of a 'boy' when he was younger...
We may not ever see these elderly family members again, and as you can imagine, was an emotional hour or so. However, we came away feeling that we had brought a glimmer of light into their very simple lives, and i felt that part of the jigsaw was complete.
Thursday 27th October 2011
.......time to chill, Madras
Today was relaxing.. A short tour of the Kapalshiva temple in the heart of Madras and a look around St Georges Fort, home of the East India Company.
Later, we walked along Madras beach... A long, sandy beach on the Bay of Bengal. It was good to see the sea at last.
We concluded the day with Room service, the obligatory kingfisher beer and Match of the Day!!..
Friday 28th October 2011
.......Vaigai Expess train, Madurai
No rain today in Madras, but my god was it hot and humid! After a wander this morning we headed to Madras Egmore station for the Vaigai Express 8hour/300 mile train journey south west to the city of Madurai.
Most of the day consisted of these epic journey, passing through new Indian territory of endless lush rice fields. As we progressed further, the greener and wetter the scenery became. I think there may be another mossie encounter around the corner.
Good journey apart from the two fat Indian men who insisted on cranking out loud Hindi tunes on their cheap mobile. Wouldn't get that in England!
- comments
Dad Good to see details of your journey through the rains [video] and the photos of Maureen & Loffie. They haven't changed since I saw them in Chennai in March 2004. Hope the Imodium is doing its stuff for David. Keep taking the tablets. Enjoy yourselves in Kerala and don't forget to sample their food specialities (too many to mention here). But I shall mention one here...fried "seer" fish (seer fish is mainly found in the Indian Ocean). Have fun...
Dave Imodium is marvellous! Now let's see if it works on Mike. In Perriyar now (borders of Tamil Nadu and Kerala). We're high in the mountains and its very green and lush. Unfortunately, it's absolutely tipping down and likely to stay like that for the next 24 hours+...which will make our jungle day trek and river rafting tomorrow a bit soggy! Will have to see how it goes.
Dad Was in Perriyar seven years ago. It was the route by which British soldiers fighting Tippu Sultan in the late 1800's escaped the slaughter of the British by the "Tiger" (Tippu) to what is now, Kerala. Your forebear, Thomas Rice, of the Bombay European Regiment, did exactly that in 1780. He survived and today Mike, Harvey, Maisie, Claire, Millie and Oliver are here! Voila!...Dad
Geggs Really enjoyed reading this, all so moving. A very special time for you all and memories you will have forever. Thoroughly enjoyed the video of you both in the taxi in Madras, makes you appreciate what we have. Keep taking the immodium boys