We make it to Asia. I shall keep this short as we only spent a few days here. So, hong Kong, in a word for a small quintisentially British gent like oneself, its hot. Like, always. The temperature has not dropped below 33 degrees since we've been here, and it doesn't change at night. Its humid and the days are sweated away. I seriously question the hygienic accolades of any of my clothes after being worn for more than a few minutes outside here. My overriding memory may just be the heat and humidity here, but enough on that. I've spent ages complaining about being of stuck in snow and cold and now I complaining that its finally hot, no winning. I guess I just like complaining.
Anyhu,, let's move on to the good stuff. On the first day we took a harbour cruise seeing the sights on both sides of the water from the boat, then spent the afternoon exploring the more residential side. This included the avenue of stars, jet li and Jackie chan may have been the only 2 I recognised unlike Hollywood boulevard, but I'm sure the other names are great too. Nicer waterfront here and went up to kowloown park which is again nice. Mostly this sure where are hostel was was just big tower blocks full of apartments and a lot of shopping. Sadly, even here I can't really expend for a breitlig so wasn't too much to buy but good to walk around it all still. Later in the evening went to the festival of lights. This happens every evening, you stand on the harbour walkway and look across to the main hong Kong centre and they light up all the buildings to music, pretty funky idea.
The next day went across to main hong Kong. Lots of big buildings, banks, international finance centre etc. Sadly cant really go up any but all are impressive. Shopping is even more expensive on this side. Found a nice little roof garden on the IFC to relax in though looking across the harbour. Then made our way over to hong Kong park. Got some Olympic stuff, lookouts and water features and tea gardens etc, all very interesting. In the evening we went on to the temple street night market and proved our haggeling prowess. Its all very touristy things here, 50 stalls selling the same variations of chopsticks and "authentic" Chinese parafinalia. Still good fun and can pick up cheap food around it as well. I'm happy to say that in my few purchases here my haggeling got around a 60% reduction in price which seemed good time, though Paul's attempt at haggeling with the sock merchant worked as well as shooting a racehorse in the leg to encourage it to run faster, the seller was not impressed.
Next day we went up too Victoria peak, views across the whole city and water, all very impressive, and catch a rather vertical train to get up there which is interesting in itself. Final day headed over to lantau island and did the cable cars here. Take you a good few K into the ountains to a giant sitting budda. Views were great and the budda was impressive, if a relatively modern addition.
Overall, the sights are very good, the whether is very hot, the food is rather nice, beer is cheap, our room was tiny but functional and the people are friendly. There isn't Hugh amounts to do here as it is a city, defiantly worth visiting but only for a long weekend. On a final note, whilst on the residential side you are constantly being dripped on whilst walking down the street. I at least hope its water from the sheer amount of air con units lining every building here and I don't like to think of the possibility of what it is should it turn out not to be water from the air con's.
Much lave all
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