Sam/Dave and Paul's wonderous trip to Newark and m
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New blog entry posted
Khan Doun Penh, Cambodia

New blog entry posted
Hai Ya, Thailand

New blog entry posted
Bang Rak, Thailand
Stuart Ennals How come its taken to this point in the journey to do really good blogs? Absolutely fascinating. And to get two in two days!!!!! I presume y Our going up country now and out of the big city. Have fun.

New blog entry posted
Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong

New blog entry posted
Sydney, New South Wales
Stuart Ennals Absolutely brilliant. Give us an idea of your next trips. I think it's Hong Kong next, then Thailand and Vietnam, but give us some idea. Have looked at pictures of places you mention, although some I think you've spelled wrong so can't find them! Much love from all
sam This is many entries written over many days whist on busses and tied together so apologies it's a bit all over the place. you shall have to make do
re: viva Vietnamking Its taken this long because I am lazy and by thee time I wrote it up there is too much to cover to go into the detail like this and I've forgotten most of the details anyways. More to come
re: call me mike Thai-sonR and G Once again, fascinating and very interesting. Carry on enjoying! Glenys and Roger.
re: call me mike Thai-sonStuart Ennals How come its taken to this point in the journey to do really good blogs? Absolutely fascinating. And to get two in two days!!!!! I presume y Our going up country now and out of the big city. Have fun.
re: call me mike Thai-sonRoger and Glenys Fascinating blog - Bill Bryson watch out - a new author is about. Enjoy Asia. Look forward to next instalment!
re: down under with no plunderStuart Ennals Absolutely brilliant. Give us an idea of your next trips. I think it's Hong Kong next, then Thailand and Vietnam, but give us some idea. Have looked at pictures of places you mention, although some I think you've spelled wrong so can't find them! Much love from all
re: down under with no plunderDad ennals It's one of those countries, few in number, that, I feel, needs a big influx of people. I think that huge swathes of it ARE habitable, but not enough people to bother, hence roads that r awful, roads that don't go from a to b and a people who spend much of their time, when young, of trying to leave. The drift of the 18-40 year olds away is alarming. X dad
re: bonus extrasDad Can you find out what the small bumpkin village was? great news, interesting and so pleased it is back to fun again
re: the man with a vanruth ennals hi, lovely long lot of news...thank you and glad to have you back enjoying life again.Hot water beach sounded interesting and glad not to hear any reports of severe scaldings which I believe can happen in these circs!Black water rafting sounds very weird but exciting as guess its hard to see what whirlpools are ahead of you.All fine day summer and the next winter. What next for you? Enjoy that sulphur smell! Lots of love Ruthxx
re: the man with a vanDad So much to ask. What sort of customer service? Doing what and for whom? What is the second job? Where a outs r u living and what is the address? How does the income cover your outgoings? Did Paul get a job? We're you involved when someone got eaten by a shark? Will pass on news to Granny. X dad
re: life goes onpaulo An interesting and nice blog. Amazing photos. Greetings from Portugal Paulo Gonçalves
re: Cooking on gasruth ennals sounds great despite you meeting your nemefish!! Could use some sunburn and coral reefs instead of snow blindness and tarmac. Wow this hiking business is becoming a nasty habit. Have a fab time in NZ...home again!! Love Ruthxx
re: Cooking on gasdad Fantastic - i told you you'd love the Cook Islands. Pity you didn't get to that other island. Did you see the "Minstrys" in the town? So pleased you snorkelled and saw the fish, even if one took a dislike to you. Do you still look blistered? Marvellous to hear that you were welcomed home. Can we skype soon? XXXXX Ps - i read all these to granny and she is genuinely thrilled to hear the news. R u in Auckland now, and do you rent a car?
re: Cooking on gasDad Brill report - glad I warned you what a sprawling s*** hole LA is. Hope Cook Is are relaxing etc. Looking forward to next instalment. I'm already writing the screenplay - title - "Virginia is my dream love"
re: The lost times and the end of America- last visited

- travel plan
- London, UK
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- New York, New York
- Los Angeles, California
- Avarua, Cook Islands
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Cairns, Queensland
- Sydney, New South Wales
- Pak Shek Kiu, Hong Kong
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Kon Rung (1), Vietnam
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Birmingham, UK
sam This is many entries written over many days whist on busses and tied together so apologies it's a bit all over the place. you shall have to make do
Dad Wonderful. Samuel Pepys x 2