we're on a wee island just now in thailand called koh tao doing a four day open water course. its such a cool place and our group is great so the banter has been non stop.
we had one of our practice dives today in a pool and tommorow we're going in the see ;-)
one of the mornings we get off we're all going to shark bay where apparently your snorkelling and the sharks are just swimming about underneath you so that should be amazing.
our timing has worked out perfectly, the day we finish our course is the full mon party on the other island so we get the boat over and party until the next morning then get 6am boat back. me and darren already making bets about what time i end up asleep on the beach, but i'm aiming for an all nighter haha!
we went to a place called pattaya before here and just stayed a coulpe of nights. it was a total dive and just full of big sleazy middle aged men on the prowel for a young thai lady. we seen a few lady boys too which just in general we both still thinks a bit creepy (sorry any tranies reading this haha!)
we hired a moped for the day too which was a good laugh cause we were both pretty terrible to start with but gradually got better, but still decided one day there was enough.
thats all i can think of for the moment
hope everyones good xxx
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