Eh up you lot!
Just a quick message to let you know Fraser Island has no signal so will not be able to contact you until Monday!!! I hate Vodafone out here!
We have just had our brief for our Self drive tour around Fraser Island, there are 10 of us going on this sand driving adventure, apparently a heavy right foot is needed so my driving skills will finally be appreciated (Justin) haha! So we've had to go shopping together for the next 3 days, it was like being on Big Brother decidingwhat to spend our money on!!! The trips schedule sounds great, but I'm scared for Elaine after her last experience with a Dingo...Don't know if I told you but Elaine decided to take a chocolate bar to bed when we stayed in kings canyon in central Oz! Nutter got sniffed by a dingo and ran around like a headless chicken! Very funny! The Dingo's on Fraser are alot more vicious, so it should be an adventure starring Dingo's out to make them submiss!!! Bring 'em on!
Hervey is a very quiet plus we are missing our Yorkshire friends that we left in Airlie! But the funniest thing just happened. We heard a load of swearing specifically the four letter C we looked out of the window and this Aborigonal woman was attacking this Aborigonal man with a flip stomach still hurts then another woman came alone and pushed him over! We are cruel but some of these indiginous people have no shame!
So email you next week with my beautiful photos, I'm like a kid I'm so excited...I might even see a whale!
PS It's boiling here hahaha XXX
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