Hey People
The picture above is of Horseshoe Bay (Magnetic Island off Townsville) not Fraser Island by the way! I am trying to upload Fraser Island pictures asI write!
Stuff does not sound good gfor you all back home!SOunds like your all going to have to start rashening and growing potatoes!!! Aussie dollar has hit an all time low, even lower than New Zealand!!! Not that is scary!!!
Well '...let me tell you 'bout an Island I know! It's my baby and I love it sooo...' Ray Charles eat your heart out!!! Fraser Island is a scream! Driving on sand was better than driving on snow!!! I didn't kill anyone just gave myself a few quiet heart attacks but I had the best time ever...Driving over sand dunes with thick rainforest at either side of you with 9 people wtching your every move was a huge adreniline rush! I loved it! I wann get me a 4X4 they are mint!
Apart from driving my favourite part of the trip was swimming across Lake Mckenzie and not realising how wide it actually was! Good exercise though, a bit scary when you couldn't see what was beneath you i.e. turtles, sharks etc!!! LOL The water was pure no of that salt stuff and the beach was like a milkyway bar!!! Not fair I want to live there!
We saw various tourist spots but because we were on a SELF drive tour, we didn't really get that information on what we were seeing! So will have to look it up!
Day 1 - We went to Lake Mckenzie, Shipwreck (huge long vessel of a rusty ship that was wrecked on the beach!) haha! Then we went to the Pinnicles, again, rocks that had different layers of sediment rock! (Science wasn't my stronger subject at school!) But there was a funny message written on one of the pinnicl;es which you will see in my photos! We then set up camp at Dundabar, a quite family camp with a kerfew of 9PM. We had a lovely evening with our group of Irish couples, what a great sense of humor the Irish have, love 'em.
Day 2 - Wentto Indian head, a hill that looks like a Red Indians head! I think! Then we went to the Champagne Pools...Well what we thought were the champagne pools until I went for a walk up a big, big hill and discovered... (alot like Captain Hook, who did actually discover Fraser) the real pools which wre very impressive withthe waves I was so excited with my discovery I ran into a sharp rock pool and cut my hand open like a clown but it was definately worth it! We then floated down Eli Creek which was fun...But I made the dumpest joke here we go... We had to use our arms to move down the stream, but then our hands got tired, so i used my elbows, and I said 'Arrrr Mi arms' like a sheep, which led me onto saying the dumbest thing ever, are you ready...'thats why sheep 'BAAAA',,,not funny I know you had to be there i suppose, but say it ouloud!!! No I'm not on drugs...Actually funny thing happened the night in Airlie Beach we cam out of Mama Africa's (TURD MUSIC) and we went to the take-away place, and i really craved for whatever reason, pinapple and chips! Well the guy thought i was a lunati, which I am as you all know. He said 'are you on drugs...I'm not serving you!' and went onto the next customer!!! hahha charming eh! oh well saved me a few pounds and calories!
Anyway that evening we stayed on an Aborigonal campsite, which was like something outof Home and Away!!! We metsome other groups and had a scream literally! We all stayed in this big room, can't remeber the name of it, but anyway there were rats all over the joint, I still slept well though after all the fresh air! I just slept like Kenny off south park with my sleeping bag!
On the turd day (as the Irish would say), we climbed up a stupid sand dune the size of Englnd in the scorching sun, to jump into Lake Waddy/Wabby, (can't remember) which was green pure water, it was freezing but worth it.
We had a fantastic time and are now ready to move onto our next destination, which is rainbow Beach, where I am going to kayak with Dolphins and learn to surf!!!!
I am raring to go as i have just been to the Esplande to do my 1 and half hours of exercise and used all the outdoor gym equipment. A Nigerian guy helped me on some of the stuff as it was completely new to me! I am already aching, actually that might be the whip-lash from the 4X4 driving hahaha...
Hi and Bye for now love you all wish you were here XXXXX Keep well and save your money your going to needit!!!!
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