Well we are now in Cairns which is a bit like Tenerife/America!
Before I start going on about me, I want to send my love to everyone and prayers out to my extended family people who aren't so well, get better soon! RIP Neo, I will miss you my lil' friend! Chloe get better soon!
Well on a brighter note I am going to take through our Uluru (Ayres Rock) and Kata Juta journey. The Aborigonies are very imaginative and their explanations for why the rocks are like they are very far fetched! A bit like the bible...So if I have offenmded anyone.
We departed from scarey 'The Hills have Eyes' remake, where Aborigonies live in Todd River. The Todd River is a dry River which flows underground because its so hot in Alice Springs. Alice Springs is the only place where they don't have a water restrictions! Alice Springs was an eerie place where the Aborigonies were homeless, alcoholics, with really bad obesity and alcoholism problems. We witnessed drunken fights and also scenes of a sexual nature. We are thoroughly disturbed!!!
Having seen all this I can kind of understand why they behave like this because the Aborigonies have been royally f***** by the Australian Government (excuse my French but it's the only way to put it!). The Australian Government basically have told the Aborigonies that they can keep their land (as in call it their own) in the Northern Territory as long as they keep it as a National Park for the next 100 years! So basically it's not their land at all! Our tour guide told us that the proceeds from all the ticket sales at the National parks went back into the Aborigonal communities land! So the Aborigonies never see it because it's white Australian people who do the tours and look after the national parks!!!!!! I am so disappointed but this is a huge reflection on what goes on across the world it makes me sick! Men and Power shouldn't be allowed to mix! But as long as us white people are all ok then thats fine! OMG sorry I'm really laying it on thick...Right now for the funny stories!
Day One - Elaine and I went on a camel ride on the back of stubborn Eddie...I name him this beacause he wouldn't kneel down for us to get off him! We then had the shock of our lives when he knelt unexpectedly and we were flung forward, good job I held on tight or we would have landed in a heap on the floor!
We then went on a 5 hour bus journey to Kata Juta. On the way I saw about 8 dead kangaroos which were being pecked to smitherines by a huge bird of pray, I think it was called an 'Edgeware Bird' (might have just made that up!!!) but the chunks that it was pecking out were HUGE! I still haven't seena wiild Kangaroo! We then arrived at Kata Juta which were 36 immense scale domes of red ion rock, which was once one whole rock named 'Olgas' after Queen Olga! Well basically it is a sacred rock that Aborigonal men worship! I think this is because the rocks that have moved apart from each other due to earths movement look like ladies genitals!!! As you might have seen on the picture!!! The 2 hour walk we did was a lovely walk and quite breath taking.
We then drove another half hour or so to Uluru (Ayes Rock) viewing point where we watched the sunset over Ayres Rock, the parting of the clouds made the rock change colour but not as dramatically as it usually does, but we stood and drank champagne, which was much needed after a long journey!
That night we arrived at our campsite where Elaine desided to sleep in a swag which a huge sleeping bag made for sleeping on the floor under the stars! I said good luck and went in my camping hut, where I got not sleep as it was so uncomfortable!
We then got up at 4am to do a base walk around Uluru to catch the sunset this took us 3 hours. There were alot of markings in the rock which all had a ridiculous story to go with them like the brain on the side of the rock (which is on one of my pics) was once the brain of a caterpilla which came to the desert to die!' Random but cute kiddies story.
Ayres rock is sacred and in some parts photos couldn't be taken and we were not allowed to climb the rock. But sometimes on rare occasions the park rangers allow it. I had read that Jugaba (the aborigonal law) says that we are to coexist with the land and not to destroy it. So I had already made a conscious descision not to climb their scared rock out of respect. Plus Ayers Rock which was 1/5 of what I climbed in Lysebotn in Norway, so not a huge challenge! But that isn't the point anyway. Although some of our group did do it and they really enjoyed the views.
We then went to the cultural centre to see Aborigonal Art! I'm sorry but what aload of bullocks! So of it was greatish but a cardboard lizard with bits of blue wool wrapped around it, what the hell is that all about!
We then made our way to Kings Canyon where i was determined to sleep in a swag for a better nights sleep and to wake up under the stars! We drove another 10 million hours from Yulara past Curtin Springs where we saw flat-topped Atila (Mt. Connor) before going down the famous Stuart Highway where loads of people have died from car racing, Justin you would love it! We drove and drove through desert which felt like a life time (which come to think of it so does this blog!) hahahah
Anyway sang around the campfire after making dinner with 24 other hungry chef's, and sang songs around the camp fire which obviously I endded up doing on my own, thanks to Lainey's intro on the bus haha Danielle is a singer, well that was my ass covered for the 3 days! I was Dani the singing Dingo! So I learnt so Beatles songs whilst drinking GOO. This is a cheap ass wine from the bottom of expensive wine barrells...Oh the life of a traveller! Well it did the trick!
Unfortunately I got it into my head I was on a 'Heidi-hi campsite' and got everyone singing crazy college warm-up songs! Becasue everyone was so polite and japanese ahah they all joined in out of sympathy!!! Good job I won't be seeing them again!
I then slept in a swag and watched a wild fox like Dingo trot around us looking for trouble! Unfortunately I hide and the next thing I saw it sniff Elaines head hahah I've never seen her move so fast...She swore profusely and it ran off! I controlled my laughter until writing this email ahhaha...She was so scared which I would have been, but I calmed her down by saying it's just like a dog but wild ahahah this didn't help, of course!!! She was on guard all night and so was I.
So again we had no sleep and we had to be up at the crack of dawn again! This time to do a 5 hour walk up Kings Canyon in Watarrka National Park! Great views and found my favourite sacred place called the 'Garden of Eden' No Adam and Eve weren't there but their were 1000's of different species that had evolved there over the 1000 years it had been there, apparently! It had a gorge and a Blood Wood or Gum tree (an antiseptic tree like bonjela).
We finalled got back to Alice Springs where we went out to Bojangles! A crazy bar saloon with web cameras everywhere so your friends can watch you party online from all across the world and they can also buy you drinks over the internet!!!
I had yet another stupid toilet experience! Here we go...
The Master's Games are on in Alice Springs which is where the older generations attempt olympics! So the women as you can imagine were like burley men! I was in the toilet merryly washing my hands when this huge weight-lifting body builder came in and let rip literally...she said "ohhhhh sorry love but it had to come out!" I was soo devasted all I could say was "better out than in, see you!"...Crazy I know.... Well I have bored you enough...
Going to go to The Woolshed tonight for a bite to eat! It's actually quite cheap for a change $10 for 3 course meal and a drink!
Tomorrow we are going to a zoo and then we are going to the Great Barrier Reef Friday where we will snorkel and Scuba Dive!!! Scarey but it has to be done whilst we are up here as apparently alot of the reef is dead further down the east coast!
So take care and if you miss me loads you can phone me on my Australian mobile on 0061416551472. Or text me on my english number as its cheaper. XXXXX
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