Lets take this gig global!!
well heya folks,
hows it all going at your end? All good I hope. Its been a while since I updated but to be fair I havent done an aweful lot so will try and keep it as brief as poss for you all. I ended up staying in Agnes Water for two weeks in the end as I loved the place/people/hostel so much!
At the start of my second week I managed to get some work in the hostel just doing odd jobs around the place and soon became known as 'yardman Dan'!! So with free accomodation and internet, laundry and tours etc it was a really cheap last week or so. Bonus!!
The only downer was the weather, pretty sketchy most days we even had a monsoon style storm last weekend!! but the sun did pop out a few days this week so made the most of the beaches most of those days.
My other 'job' came about as the assistant world cup co-ordinator!! As every night it would be me and Mark (the main co-ordinator) staying up drinking all night and watching every game!! So far I have only missed 4 matches so not bad going!!
What other stuff have I done?? mmm.....oh, on Thursday I got to go flying for FREE!!! The plane they use had to be taken to Bundaberg for a service so I was the lucky one chosen to go with the pilot so had a beautiful 45 mins cruising to Bundy (clear blue sky), did some shopping for an hour or so and then got flown back!! Not something you do everyday thats for sure. It was comedy walking around the shops thinking to myself, mmm.. maybe I'll FLY back home this arvo!! I even got to control the plane/'mosquito' for a couple of minutes aswell and pretty much shat my pants when he started to do some aerial manouvres on the way back!! All good fun though and an experience I'll never forget!
Like I said, I spent most of the time down the beach or chilling at the hostel but yesterday we went on a little roadtrip to a national park called Deep Water. Its one of only 4 natural palm forests in eastern Oz so once we had all jumped into the back of the 4x4 and were bouncing around the back it was just like being on Fraser Island again! Played some footy on the deserted beach then had a little walk up a dune to a nice lookout point and chilled up there for a bit with our lunch which was cool.
And sadly yesterday was my last day at the hostel or 'ideal home' as I'll remember it!! I was absolutely gutted to leave but time is pressing and I have only got 3 weeks now to get upto Cairns so am off to do my Whitsundays tomo which hopefully should be cool so long as the weather holds out, its a little cloudy today. Plus I need to drag myself out of my depressive state after leaving Cool Bananas, its kinda like a homesick feeling, but home being the hostel and my adopted 'family' there!! Man I had a blast there!! So many comedy nights sat around the fire, hitting the goon, knocking on all the neighbours doors when the signal was lost for the last England game (we found somewhere in the end!!), mingling with the pure locals at the Tavern, footy on the beach and at the school and alround awesome vibe of the place!! I really will miss it!
Anyways, Im sure I shall perk up soon! (hopefully!!) I'll let you know how my whits trip goes when Im back.
All the best,
Big up 'da Bananas crew!!
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