Neil's journey
Missed free breakfast then went to the Gym in the hotel (I'm easing myself in gently into the travelling thing). Managed to undo weights on one side of bar leading to said bar rising up and hitting me in the lip - much blood and dabbing later managed to venture out.
Pretty amazing sights really, fantastic architecture and so many bleedin buddhas - he's lying down, he's smiling, he's standing up, he's telling jokes, he's made of gold, he's made of jade, I think he's quite the fella round these parts all in all.
There's this scam (I'm always intrigued) where people stop you before going into the temples telling you they're shut and offering to take you in their tuk tuk on a alternative tour of Bangkok (one without buddas, I would presume). Having read my guidebook I wasn't party to this shameful scamming and felt quite proud, even sympathising with the couple from denmark that got done (oh those gullible danes). Whilst on the subject of Buddhas (one for the book Piers), why do people pose for photos in front of them with stupid cod-yoga/buddha poses? I mean, "are you buddhist?" (NO) "are you from Thailand" (doesn't look like it) "Are you German with no sense of style or poise? (I rest my case - Germans used as an example not a put-down by the way).
Anyway must go now, money running out, museums and art tomorrow and probably more Buddhas
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