On the journey from Lake Mahinapua Steve told us that 6 people who had put their name down for the skydive had to go this afternoon and that the additonal people had to go a few days later. As this was one of the things I had saved for Franz Josef my name was on the list. With a minging hangover Atonette managed to convince me that it was a good idea to do it today as otherwise i would have a few sleepless nights worrying about it. I agreed and within 15 mins of arriving in beatiful Franz Josef myself and 5 others were whisked off to the Sky diving centre. I had saved my jump for here as you sky dive of 2 glaciers, Franz Josef and Fox Glacier (like the mints!) The journey there was pretty funny, 25 mins of everyone crapping themselves. As i was trying to make myself feel better I was messing about and pretending that I wasnt crapping myself. When we arrived at the place they asked who wanted to go first and Antonette and I put our hands up so that we could get it out the way so that our anticipation wouldnt kill us! As we were gettinginto our jump suits my heart was pounding, i really thought it was going to come out of my chest. Once were were suited and had our harness on it was outside for a practice. The Dvd interview was pretty funny. I was getting the pictures, DVD and everything as this is the sort of thing you only do once right??! hmm.. anyways, we got into the most cramped plane ever and I will never complain abotu economy again...we were hunched on the floor and I couldnt actually move. The plane took off and within a few minutes were were over the glaciers and it was gorgeous, it was worth the money just for the scenic flight. I was taking loadsa of pictures whilst my skydiver buddy was taking the most unflattering video of me. The camera was practically under my chin the whole time. it looks like ive got 4 chins but dont worry mum, dad and family I havent put on weight it just makes me look about 3 tonnes in weight. On the plane up I think I went a little crazy because I realised that the only way I was leaving the plane was by jumping out. The anticipation turned to excitement and I found myself really relaxed about the whole thing. Once we reached 12,000ft (couldnt do 15,000ft as there are flight paths dammit) the door was opened and off went Atonette and her buddy. I was told that to get really good pictured when I was hanging out the side of the plane I should try and keep my tongue out for as long as possible..which I did but I thought we were going to jump out really soon after them, but we didnt so on my dvd it looks like I have my tongue out for about 5 mins! Mental...anyways, so I'm habing out the plane with my tongue out for a few moments and then BAM! Off we go... the freefall was amazing. Apparently you go 120mph and its like falling out of a 20 storey building every second. Your brain has no idea what's going on and thats what makes it so awesome. When the parachute was pulled it's so silent up there and you feel like you're in a completely different world. This is the only place where you are allowed to take your own camera when you sky dive so it was tucked into my jumpsuit and as soon as the parachute was pulled my hungarian buddy attached to me got my camera out and I took loads of pictures. The landing was so smooth too, only had to lift my legs up and land on my bum. It was such an awesome experience and when I get home I will subject you all to my hilarious dvd. As soon as we landed I really wanted to go back up again..this wont be the last time I do it, thats for sure. I was so lucky with the weather, it was perfect, clear sky and sunshine which is unusual for Franz.
After skydiving it was back to the hostel which was lovely. It was like a lodge and had Monsoon Bar where they served cheap meals. That evening we went into Monsoon Bar and I bumped into Teresa who I had met on the West Coast of Australia and also in Sydney. It was a good night but I needed a good nights sleep as the nest day I was doing an 8 hour Ice hike on the glacier.
The next morning we went on the ice hike, pretty much everyone was doing the full day like myself and we were split off into 3 groups. We had an all girls group which was actually pretty fun/ It was really surreal actually being on the glacier and we had to wear funny clothes again and uncomfortable boots with crampons attached..these were little spikey things that grip to the ice. The day was pretty awesome, the scenery was majestic and we had a right laugh. Our glacier guide was a tad odd but a nice guy all the same. We had to do a bit of climbing and clambering about and even went through little ice caves which was so cool...literally. laura was a complete idiot on the hike and kept alling in puddles which was hilarious. She spent the whole day with soaking feet and we named her in puddleduck. What a doughnut! Got some fab photo's there and wont ever forget the experience. By the end of the day I was getting quite frustrated as we had some rather unfit people in the group who were slowing us down. We didnt get off the ice until nearly dark. It was pretty mental really. When we got back loads of people were knackered, Pembo, Laura, Heather and myself went to the fish and chip shop for dinner and then in the evening we went to monsoon bar where the Australia v NZ rugny game was on and it seemed like all the weird people in the town had crawled out the woodwork! Ah well, the boys (As usual) got hammered! Tomorrow it was off to Wanaka...
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