So after a good few fantastic days relaxing in Queenstown and partying away with all of our kiwi experience buddies we decided we could spare enough money to hire a car for a few days! get in!!
We said goodbye to lots of friends we had made but were especially sad to part ways with Mary, Nick, Lyndsey, Guy, Zoe, Rich E, Angela, Rich W, Jim, Sarah, Tom, Daf, Will (chewy) and last but not definately not least Zack!!
So after getting used to changing rooms at BASE hostel because organisation isnt in their vocab apparently!! we met a new friend called Gemma.. She moved into our dorm the day before we planned on booking the car..
after a few drinks we invited her along and she said yes..without knowing what she was letting herself in for! 4 nights stuck with Lisa and jayne what would be your advice for her!? that would be interesting..teehee
So, booked a 4x4 for thursday.. 4 days away and all we needed to do was organise the trip.. didnt take too long with the lady behind the car hire counter as she talked us through everywhere !
Thursday morning , checked out and waited for the guy from the depot to collect us..we get to the depot and there she was! shining beautifully- our very own freedom for 4 nights!!
Suzuki Grand Vitara - named Queenie (Queenstown) ...
Headed for Te Anau which was a 3 hr drive through some stunning scenery! found the holiday site we had booked dorm beds in but we were too early to check in so carried straight onto Milford Sound.. stopping for lunch in the way, we opened the car doors and what felt like a thousand mosquitos joined us! ahhhhhhhhh!!!! so we spent the next 10 mins swatting them and being eaten alive.. anyone who is heading that way BUG SPRAY!...
The sunshine had turned into mist and rain - rubbish!!! so no boat trip at Milford we decide to go on the 20 minute FREE walk. teehee...Walking around like plonkers with our hands in the air (as mosquitos apparently swarm the highest part of your body)... It was still beautiful even in terrible weather - all we could think was how beautiful it must be with some sunshine!
Back to Te Anau, checked into our stinky room...a typical scene from 'Hi-De-Hi!' nice choice girls!.. Time to cook dinner - little did we know we would be sat in the dining room for 2 hrs!.
So Lisa and Jyane cooked their usual boring pasta and sauce , although this time needing to use up the rest of the cheese it was more like .. "would you like pasta with that cheese?"..Gemma was craving chicken Kievs and bought some at the supermarket earlier. They had been in the oven for the designated amount of time when she realised it wasnt on!..oh dear..
Jayne and Lisa had already munched through the cheesiest pasta in the world. Gemma with a 'face on' came to explain about the kiev looking rathe 'cheesed off' (shut up you love the pun really!).. fed up with the oven , Gem now truned to pan frying the kievs! Oh dear lord was it cooked now? Gemma decided she wanted to eat it anyway because she was that annoyed.. Lisa dared to ask very quietly "is it cooked in the middle???" to that Gemma replied "well, its not very warm!" so with what looked like tears welling in her eyes Gemma truned to the microwave as a last resort!
Giving in she ate one of the 2 kievs and was so cross- at this mpoint Lisa and Jayne trying so hard not to laugh (because we are so mean).. thought we could go and drink beer to drown our kiev sorrows..
Well, guys..this travelling lark does make you very emotional and when you are lucky enough not to be eating 20p noodles a chicken kiev is like going to the 'Ivy'...
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