We have been in Koh Samui for a couple of days preparing ourselves for the infamous Full Moon Party - On the first night we got here we met up with Gemma and James, two Brits that we met in Phuket and as it was their last night there we went out and had a really good night, lack of sleep stopped me doing a whole lot the next day thought so we had a really chilled out day.
Yesterday in the morning we went Quad bike riding which was great fun - but as you would imagine, someone had to fall off....and obviously that someone was me! it was a good one and i really wish i had have seen myself come flying off - you know that second before you hit the ground and you think "oh my god, this is going to hurt like hell" that ran through my head 100 times, but luckily i didnt do too much damage! A scratched up leg and a bit of a sore back but otherwise fine and dandy!
After the quad biking we went on an Elephant trek which was lovely and we got some really good photos taken which i will upload when i get a chance.
Last night it was the Full Moon Party, there were a group of 7 of us going over so we all got ready together and then caught the ferry over which took about 20mins - We met up with 4 other people that we had met in Phuket which was cool, it was like the old gang were back together again!
The party in itself i found was a little over rated, all i have heard for months is how amazing it is, and im sure if you are incredibly drunk or on drugs etc...then i expect it is incredible but I didnt fancy drinking too much as iv heard some dodgy stories about it - and im really glad that i did stay sober as i still had a good time but two of the girls in our group who did get wasted ended up having their purses/bags stolen!
Tomorrow i am going to Koh Tao before i head back to Phuket where i have a flight booked to Singapore, and then home on the 1st of May - For those of you who dont know, i am coming home a month earlier than planned as although i have had amazing time, im ready to come home!
So i shall hopefully see you all soon!
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