So, im in the last couple of days of my trip and i have had the most amazing couple of weeks ever which has really made me regret cutting my trip short! But i know its for the best and it has just made me even more determined to work hard (ish) when i get back and save enough money when i get back to come out again.
After Koh Samui, i left to go to Koh Tao with Devin and Brianne (brother and sister from Canada) and Emma from Australia - Devin and Brii did a 4 day diving course which sounded really good but i didnt fancy it to much, i was a little too scared that i would panic while under water and do something stupid like die! so i gave that one a miss! Emma didnt stay in Koh Tao for very long as she wasnt too keen on it so she went back to Koh Samui.
While i was trying to find something to keep me occupied i was sitting on the internet, i looked up from my computer screen and nearly had a heart attack and standing right there were Stephanie and Audrey, the French Canadian girls that i met in Thailand and traveled with through Laos 2 months before hand! none of us could believe it! so there were lots of girly screams and hugs! it was so strange!
The weather was pretty bad in Koh Tao, it rained most of the time but it wasnt so bad as i found stuff to keep my occupied, like sitting in the Rasta tattoo parlour with the girls, Dear and Reece (i shall tell you about them in a moment) getting my hair dreaded (only one though and its underneath so its not obvious)
Next door to the Rasta Tattoo parlour was the Rasta Tattoo Bar - and it was by far the best bar on the Island in my opinion! It was run by Lou Lou and Dear, two Thai Rasta guys who were both incredibly lovely, fun, kind, happy and just generally great people! I have decided after meeting Dear especially that im going to marry a Thai Rasta! Preferably Dear if given the chance as he was a very attractive guy! Also semi working at the bar was Reece who was from Hawaii, he was really cool too and we got on really well, he studies Chinese Medicine in China and has been going over to Koh Tao regularly for about 3 years now, so he is really good freinds with the rasta guys! I think he does some of the designing for the tattoo place too.
Anyway, we were in that bar most of the time, just because it was so chilled out and relaxed, it was only small but it had so much character and the best Mojitos and chocolate brownies ever! i really didnt want to leave and I cant wait to go back there.
On one of the days i booked myself into a 4 hour Thai Massage course which was good fun and i got to learn the basics (although Brii took my instruction booklet home with her by mistake so iv forgotten alot of it already) typical me!
After Koh Tao, Devin and Pete - an Irish guy that Devin met while diving came to Krabi - Its not the best of places in the world but its ok, it too has a Rasta bar so thats the first place i headed, its not nearly as good though! but i did get another dread lock made by Bob (obviously).
Yesterday we decided that as we were here we should probably do something so we went up to the tiger cave temple, there arnt any tigers, but there were loads of monkeys! The actuall temple was right at the top of the biggest mountain i have ever seen in my life (that may be a slight embelishment) but anyway, Devin decided that it would be a good idea to climb up this monster.... 1230 ish steps there were, pretty much all vertical, small and uneven so you did pretty much have to climb up the damn thing and oh my god was that hard work - i wanted to keel over and die! i ached all over and kept on swearing at Devin for having such a bloody stupid idea. when he got to the top about an hour later it was beautiful and you could see for miles and miles around so that made it a little worth while! Getting back down was hard work too! it wasnt so much a work out, but as the steps were so steep, you had to walk really slowly and hold on to the bar for dear life. a lot of the time i had to sit on my bum and gradually work my way down! it was almost like trying to get down a ladder! not cool at all!
Right, well the bus that will take me back to phuket will be here in a moment so id better go - i expect this will be my last entry as i cant imagin too much will happen worth reporting in the next 2 days!
Thank you for reading!
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