Noosa was... interesting! we met a cool guy called Sam and went to a hostel, but when we got into our room there was an old guy in there smoking who had just come off of the wagon after not drinking for a year! there as a random guy in the toilet who apparently had been sleeping there for the past 3 nigths on the we asked o move rooms! we went and watched transformers and then changed our hostel the next day, where another old guy was also living! there were loads of shops in noosa so i loved it and we spent most of our time drinking goon and admiring the area as it was really pretty. we also went to australia zoo the next day which was great stuff, we saw koalas, snakes, wombats, kangaroos, tigers... everything, it was a cool day, pretty cold though!! the next day we left at about 12pm to go down to Brisbane...
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