So the last few days havent gone as swimmingly as we hoped.
Shell and Sarah had money stolen from there rucksacks. We thought someone had taken from our room whilst out but after looking through the CCTV footage we have come to the conclusion that it must have been on the sleeper bus. God knows how these people do it as the bags were underneath the bus with all the luggage and everything was packed back in neater than shell and Sarah had done it.
Shell caught the Sickness bug I had but far worse. She was quite bed ridden with it. We needed to report the robbery for insurance purposes so shell had to peel herself out of bed. She puked outside of 3 restaurants, everyone looking on in horror and disgust. A lady handed ME a bucket of water to wash shells sick up. That is true friendship that is.
We still enjoyed our 'holiday' in Phi Phi but after having to book an extra night cos of shells tummy, we were ready to move on to the next place.... Phuket.
I Keep forgetting to mention that on two separate occasions, when people ask where we are from, Shell has been mistaken for a Chinese person. Our stereotypical English Rose, Shell. Brilliant.
- comments
Carmel(Clara's Mum) Ah poor little Chinese Shell. I hate to hear of her being so sick. It must have been absolutely miserable. Reminds me of my terrible flight from Washington DC. I wanted to DIE on that flight with the misery of that diarrhoea and vomiting bug!! I can laugh now of course. As for cleaning up her vomit............forever friends! Makes me feel like shedding a tear. As for the theft........disgusting! xxx
amber beale cant believe that has happened hope it wasnt tooo much that they took. poor shell, must be horrible! well done fpor clearing the sick up clara good girl! xxx
Chrissy x Hang on a minute Shell isn't chinese? y has no 1 ever old me? shame about the theft and the sick! xxx
NUNS(Shells mum) like mother like daughter! i have also been asked if i am chinese. think its the eyes. its definately not the accent!!!!!