As we listen to Happy Hour by The Housemartins, sipping fine port from the bottle and both stuffed from Claire's amazing roast pork dinner, we both realise we actually had lamb, that made Claire laugh, but to be honest, I couldn't taste the difference as it was burnt! Yesturday was spent on Home and Away beach playing roll the bloody ball over again to the toddler whilst going..."weee"! 5 mins in the sea before an encounter that wiill one day be made into a film staring Orlando Bloom and Sienna Miller as me and Claire called...Attack of the killer Blue Bottle Jellyfish! The BBQ looked nice but a shame the was no heat coming from the coals, so we filled up on lettace and spring onion dip! As if I wasn't spoilt enough by Claire Christmas morning, little did I know I was going to recieve another present sat in a camper van on a awesome acoustic guitar, I rock! Anyway, after a brilliant but knackering day, we got back and sat down with more wine and port and watched the action packed, explosion filled, all time blokes classic film...Finding Nemo! It was ok (really, really good actually!) Boxing Day is my turn for film choice after endless rom com's, so fed up with Hugh Grant so lets bring out Lock Stock!!! Right Claire, you can type something now......
Wow, I swear that boy is going crazier each day... this intended to be a quick 'we had a lovely xmas blog entry' but Gary has to turn it into something else! Haha, anyway, so yeah all is well this end. Hope you all had an awesome day, as we did. Like Gary said, ours was spent on Palm Beach, gorgeous and sunny with some nice friends from the UK. Good fun though we had no fire from the BBQ! We both recieved lovely presents and some awsome cards from back home - very nice to read. Today is Boxing Day, have just cooked a mean roast dinner which I am very proud of. We intended to cook together but Gary fell asleep and enjoyed the feeling of the sofa under his bum - typical! Easy night tonight as we're both pretty tired, no plans really for the next few weeks, just hang around Sydney I think before we head off after NY for Melbourne.
About to try and put some new phots on this for you all to see, the last few weeks and our crimbo fun!! Let us know how you all are anyway, love and miss you all lots. GL and CW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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