Hello everyone. Hope you are all well. Once again sorry for such a delay in writing. We move from place to place wuite quickly and so not all that much time avail to write. So, we're in Port Macquarie ar the moment, leaving early tomorrow morning to SYDNEY! Wow, so so excited! Since leaveing Brisbane (awesome city), we headed south to SURFERS PARADISE, BYRON BAY, COFFS HARBOUR and now here in PORT MACQUARIE. By the way, this PC screen is really bad so I can't re-read through what i've written - sorry for any mistakes.
Surfers was a really cool town, nice long beach and good shops. We went to 'Dreamworld' an cool theme park too which was nice. Next stop was Byron Bay which was one of the most incredible towns so far on the trip. Lots of hippies and really cute shops (reminded me of a Larmer Tree town Kat!). Shame we didn't hjave longer there as it was lovely. Magic beach and sun sets, a really nice vibe. Then onto Coffs Harbour which was pretty small, but nice all the same. Stayed in the best YHA Hostel, very clean and hotel-like. Saw whales in the ocean yesterday morning which was so so special, though my photos are rubbish! Saw a turtle swim across too, and a sting ray, so all in all a good marine day! Yesterday we headed further down to where we are now. Port Macquaire is lovely. Dolphins in the bay which is special, sat reading my book on the rocks watching them all earlier. We're about to head to the koala hospital which has been reccomended to us by one of Carly's friends back home.
So, that's us up to now. Still having a lovely time and very much looking forward to strutting onto Sydney to check out all there. Carly is off next thursday evening, which leaves me with two weeks before Gary is out. Have just put a deposit down on a camper van for us both to have over December/Jan, which means xmas and new year is pretty much sorted for crimbo. All very exciting indeed.
So, hope you are all well and the cold weather isn't getting to you! BOILING hot here!! hehehe. Have fun all and love you very much. Claire xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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