Hello Claire, A big thank you from Auntie Slyv and me for the lovely pair of earnings and letter your sent, your Nan forward the parcel to us and we received them today. We have got blue skies but the wind is cold. Look forward to you visiting Nottingham sometime later this year. If you remember Goose Fair is the first Thursday in October. Take care, love to you both.
Hello,Claire n Gary,hope ur ok.Sally should b there by now.Hav fun,all ok here.Its still cold,about to snow but dont know if we will get any.Good time in Notts,Auntie Sylve doing fine,all lookin afta her.Saw Ben 2 day.He looks amazing,bit skinny but very well.Jst gota take it easy.Anyway,take lotsa care of u both.Love you,keep smilin.Mum.xXx
Mum here being bold again ha ha!! Loving the photo's, you both really are having the time of your lives, what a lucky pair and so good looking too!! You have it all!!! Well having a rather good looking family helps. Take care, keep the pic's coming (when you got time). Lots of love Mum xxxxxxxxx
Susan Brenda Phillips
Hi Claire & Gary
Been back a couple of days from Portsmouth, had a good time despite the weather, rain, rain and rain. The Victiorian Christmas fare in the Dockyard was excellent, we also had a day in Winchester, lost John, forgot his phone, would you believe. Your Nan and Grandad enjoyed themselves, the gin bottle kept getting empty. take care, love to you both.
Susan, John and Auntie Sylv. xxx
Hello both!! Can't believe my boy is in Oz!! Sooooo jealous!! Seeing Sydney Opera House and bridge with your own eyes must be amazing. Looking forward to some pic's soon hopefully. Hope the weather is warm for you, cold and damp here as usual. Take good care of each other and wishing you both a fantasic time!! Lots of love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Curly Daley Aka Carly
Hello hello hello! Thought I'd check the blog, see what you were up to, I remember the days when I had a blog.............! Sounds like you're both having fun, and Claire, I'm just happy that you're now joined by someone who shares your love of subway sandwiches, it must have been hard travelling with a hater for so long! Bet you're starting to feel really christmassy now, keep me updated with your christmas plans, not long till you can whip out the christmas tree decoration!
Take care, Love Carly xxx
Hi Claire, just been looking through your lovely photos. You seem to be having the holiday of a lifetime! How did your visit to the koala hospital go? I couldnt believe there was a board showing their names and complaints etc just like a human hospital-how sweet! Look after yourself over the next few wks and be expecting a little something from us in the post shortly,
Lots of Love
Julia xx
Excited Boyfriend!
Hello foxy lady!
It's Gary London, your cousin's favourite person out of me and you! (and Henry!) I have to be someone's!
Just a quick one, wondering what you're doing saturday 29th Novemeber? I'll be in Sydney and have a hotel, if you're not busy pop in and have a cuppa?!
I'll also be visiting Sydney Aquarium which sounds awesome so come and join the gang (consisting of me!)
Have fun finding weird and wonderful places for us to enjoy for when I get there!
All you need is love (I'm listening to The Beatles!) Gary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cousins Thomas And Owen
Hello Claire
Hope you are having a wonderful time. We just wanted to say thank you ever so much for the lovely choc bars that you sent over for us, they were yummy!
Not long until Gary London arrives now, bet you can't wait!
Take care
Lots of love and hugs from Thomas and Owen xxxxxxxxx
Auntie Sylv
Seen your web page, sounds good, pleased your are enjoying yourself, we will keep in touch and watch your progress. Down to Portsmouth end of November for the Dockyard Festival
Look after yourself, always in our thoughts, Love and kisses
Auntie Maz
Yo Blairfe! Have your mumma here as I was a damsel in distress tonight. Still, at least my hubband is having a lovely time!Good to hear from you tonight, Thomas was chuffed to speak to you too.
All missing you very much and feeling very envious. See you at Crimbo........yeah right and then I woke up!
Loves ya lots
Hey Claire it's me. Glad you have had a good time in Fiji and you have obviously arrived safely in Oz. We are all ok. Nothing to worry about here other than your phone bill! No worries, dad will be paying?cos I'm kin not! Enjoy Oz and look after yourselves. Remember, you only get one chance. Love you lots. T.C. Mumma xxxxx