Saurday 3rd January my last weekend in Sydney, I'm staying in a place in Kings Cross atm with a mate from uni but moving into YHA tomorrow purely because I have to be at the bus stop for 8am Monday morning and I don't fancy trying to get on the trains with all my bags in rush hour monday morning. But the YHA has a swimming pool and a sauna so I'm sure I will have a good night! Yesterday went to Bondi for the day turned up ready to catch some rays got out the bus and it was freezing, well okay exageration but it was cold and vveerry windy, so we went shopping instead I found a bikini okay not the bandeau one i wanted but after trying to find that one for ages decided that it doesn't suit me so bought another one instead. Then we got an Oporto (some chilli chicken takeaway place) and had lunch on the beach this also if i havn't mentioned before is what i had on xmas day for dinner oh yeah lol
Erm gave up on the idea of staying on the beach although I have seen some amazing surf boards so providing this week goes well I am now fully aware there are lots of different pink styles for me to choose from! :D Decided that we would go to the cinema instead so after lots of debating we agreed on 'Yes Man' it's got Jim Carrey in it, was really good actually makes a good point too but I'll let you watch it. Weird thing though you queue up to buy your popcorn/nachos/wedges etc etc but then you have to go and queue again to pay very strange and pointless system. I have started keeping my diary by the way but I don't have it on me as am currently locked out of the house with all my stuff in but I do have chocolate I did attempt to give it up for the year, failed again! but I have been keeping my money diary successfully although very scary not sure I like it. erm what else have i done, not much actually, went into sydney today went into a market and didn't buy anything very impressed i was, then walked over the bridge (no the full oooover just across really) went to luna parkvery unimpressive passed an olympic pool although only looked 20m to me but you never know. Havn't made it to the Ian Thorpe pool and did want to do that maybe tomorrow but I doubt it. Need to pack everything up tomorrow and get ready for surf camp not sure if I will be able to get online during that week so might not update until next weekend when I will be in Byron Bay.
Oh two last quick things, one I think I am off to New Zealand March kinda time and two I've had the back of my hair cut really short and kept the front longer the bottom layer is dark brown and the top half blonde, looks good though oh and a bigger fringe once I've got pictures I will update! Take Care hope everyone had an amazing new year might have already said that and I hope a certain someone gets much better very soon!! xxxx
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