So I'm back in Sydney, but actually in the centre this time not in a small town outside of it, and so far I think I'm liking it! Getting here was much simpler than last time although didn't go without a few hiccups. We left over an hour ahead of schedule so we wouldn't miss it and so that was all good, got the tram to the station then bought our ticket and sat for an hour waiting for the bus to take us to the airport as we realised that our airport wasn't actually anywhere near Melbourne, turned up to find it is literally an airfield with 3flights coming in and going out a day! haha yeah great but anyway we got there on time, backs checked in it's now weighing 16.5kg oh and its broken one of the straps has torn off and i have a hole in the bottom of my bag so i need to go shopping before i leave sydney to find a new one although I'm starting to think that getting a suitcase might be a better way forward. anyway yes so we were checked in went through security and my bag was taken they thought i had a metal knife in my bag turned out to be my plastic comb! and also had my bracelet from the club setting the alarms off all good fun! anyways the flight went well, nice and quick and had an extra seat so some good room for my bag haha landed in sydney only half hour late but bags came out extremely quick so all good! Got our ticket for the shuttle bus instead of the train (note to self don't do that again!) ended up sat at the station for over an hour before our shuttle turned up and another half hour before it went anywhere so nearly 2 1/2 hours after we landed we actually got to our hostel but it is lovely! so clean, carpets everything and i have my top bunk back! I love top bunks, partly due to the fact in melbourne i had to go on a lower bunk sat up in the middle of the night hit my head on the metal bar and passed back out again (top bunks much safer!)
So all is good, 9 out of 10 had checked in, I text michael (the one that hadn't) to see if he was still coming no reply, rang him no reply, text again no reply, left a message no reply so starting to panic as the room is booked under my name i have to pay if someone doesn't turn up and guess what he never turned up so I've been paying double this week :( but they have given me half my money back (long story but good result tbh!) so yes this brings us to xmas eve what a day well night! During the day we just went around sydney had a xmas eve cruise under the bridge and around the harbour that night and we decided not to go in full fancy dress but to wear mascarade masks so we found some cheap ones but they held up well! was really good to see everyone again had a wicked night, it all ended in controversy though with people drinking too much and breaking code but after a few days it has almost all been sorted! Xmas day didnt feel like xmas day and was a bit of a disappointment... it was hot and it was lovely but it really didn't feel like xmas ended up getting a ticket off a guy in our room and going to bondi expecting it to be similar to T4 on the beach but it's not. anyone can go on the beach you don't even need a ticket!! but all the same was okay the food was awful though i would have done anything for mum's xmas dinner!!
Boxing day we went to the races and was one of the best days i've had out here and we saw joel from neighbours!!! not once but twice!! Happy days!! anyway i will leave this one here and update again soon!!! and add a bit more about boxing day!! hope everyone had an amazing xmas shame u didn't get any snow!! xxxx
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