hey right so since i last updates iv done a fair bit! Lost my jeans :( don't know where though as i havn't even worn them yet!! but thats not really the most exciting thing iv done! the weekend we spent just chilling not doing too much, then monday started ozintro (the week long activity thing we had booked) monday we went and did some sight seeing in sydney took far too many pics of the bridge and the opera house but have forgotten my camera cable again so cant upload them yet sorry! so did that then went jet boating and te dirver was an absolute nutter! keep spinning and slamming on the breaks and our leader guy told us not to get the ponchos and honestly by the end we may as well have just jumped in the sea! absolutly soaked eyes stinging from the salt and my legs covered in white salty lines lovely! was a really good laugh though! saw some massive fruit bats too luckily high up in the tree! ooh i have to tell u about the huntsman spider later i'll try not to forget!
went to dominos monday night haha classic english dinner although not impressed they dont do dips here! no dominos dips at all :( sad times! erm right so tuesday woke up at 4am! went for a walk and got some fresh fruit very strange! then we had a bit fo a boring day sorting our medicare cards, working stuff and all that then had lunch and had some of the most amazing potato wedges lol drinks are very expensive though so i've been good and sticking to water plus it is impossible to find archers anywhere! erm after that we went for dinner at fiveos some really cheap food place next to the hostel and then i think everyone came back to our room... no that was monday night i dont know what happened tuesday night then days are very muddled atm!
wednesday the best day ever! went surfing started well as i actually managed to get into the wetsuit and i hadnt put mascara on so no panda eyes for me! did lots of practice on the sand on how to get onto the board and how to stand up simple as four steps apparently! then went into the sea and surprisingly i think i was the first up on mabye my 3rd attempt i was very shocked so stood straight up and didnt bend my kneeds and promptly fell straight into the water lol but kept going and didnt take too long before i was surfin all the way back to shore! managed to high five one of the instructors without falling off too! did take out a few people though as my steerin was non existant lol but was a really good day and most people thought id done it before but defo i hadnt! think im going to try and do a 5day swim school after xmas and new yrs in byron bay the maybe even buy my own board but havnt looked intto it enough yet!
sorry this is turning into a very long updte lol so thursday we did a beach walk nothing too exciting i got immensly burnt and spent half the day covered by my towel, hat, glasses, and hoody lol friday we went into the blue moutains was a horribly early start but was good once we got there, did plenty of walking and this is when i encountered a huntsman spider, went into the toilets got inside the cubicle and on the top of the door was this massive huntsman google them! hairy legs and all but i didnt scream but did run lol was very scary!! anyways got some great pictures of the scenary there will put them up when i can! and today have just been on the beach startin to try and think about what we want to do after xmas but not sure yet will just have to wait and see! anyways i will try and update more regularly next time!! take care hope everyone is well! xxx
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