Ok so first off the picture is of a camel not because i have seen any but because there is no picture option for adelaide! havn't uploaded any photos as there is nowhere to do it. right so quick update on last 2nights in sydney. sat night was the route 69 pub crawl some were in fancy dress but it was predominantly pj night and my pjs are not for public wear so just went out in normal stuff but if you've seen the pics on facebook that is why some people are not looking their most stylish! was a good night actually although i spent more than id hoped did get short changed in one place though but at that time of night there is no point in complainin! sunday sorted out everything for after xmas so all my big things like skydiving and sailing the whitsundays is all booked up but open dated so i can do it whenever i think im going to start on jan 5th with my 5 day surf school surfing from sydney to byron bay.
so monday rolled round and we were all packed up and me and joss set off into town to grab some bits from the office then head off to the airport had to check in by 11.35 and had been told 20mins from sydney central would be plenty of time! so about 10.15 we got the bus into sydney central and although it took a bit longer than planned we were waiting for the shuttle at 10.45 so still had an hour almost, the shuttle didnt turn up until 11 so starting to panic a little bit, the driver laughed at us when we said what time we had to check in by as he said it would take 45mins on the shuttle. :( he drove round to every hotel in sydney and didnt just keep going if no one was outside went in to check everytime! continued laughin at us all of the way there really, had a couple of other people in there not liking our chances either but encouragin us to run when we did get there! got off at the airport at 11.45 but ran anyway! got inside and had no idea where to go lol they told us there was no chance of us gettin on as we had baggage to check in but they did transfer us onto the next flight they had for free so all in all could have been much worse! so had to sit at the airport for 4hours but watched some tv drinkin our free tap water lol finally got to adelaide at 8pm almost and was 30degrees! not good lol startin to think we would burn up as had a few layers on so i could fit everything else in the bag. got to our hostel and its all covered in metal bars :s
Turned out the hostel was lovely and as everyone had told us Adelaide is not central for buzzing nightlife or daylife actually! but there is a free tram to the beach and free buses so could be much worse again! went to the chocolate factory today and nice as it was not a touch on cadburys! had a bit of a homesick day this week so bought loads of chocolate (note guylians are way to expensive over here!) also went and found my first real swimming pool since iv been here lasted two weeks without being in one and unfortunatly the smell of chlorine is lovely lol its a 50m pool but they had the boom in thank god had a lane to myself the whole time and just did a few lengths at a time was far more tiring than id hoped! stayed in for an hour and a hal f then their lessons and top squad started, all swings etc for the squad all coming in totally brown. went and watched the lessons for a while was amazed at the difference! picked up the leaflet as well showing a rough scheme of work for them and wow they teach things far later than i was expecting like no butterfly until they are 8! and many more things i wont bore the non swimmers with!
anyways this has turned into quite a long entry again going to kangaroo island tomorrow for 3days think im surfing again tomorrow so we'll see how that goes! oh its also been raining for the past 48hours the most they have had in a year or something were asked to be in a picture jumping over a stream for their local adelaide newspaper but we were running late but i was close to being famous! haha anyways yes i will add again after kangaroo island let you knwo how it went! oh i also sent a box home of all my stuff today 41dollars worth :( stupid weight limits! said it could take 3months tho! right im off honest! have fun stay safe miss u all!! xxxx
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