Hi Everyone
Just thought I would write a quick catch up as to what we've been up to over the last few days.
Well it's involved a lot of lying on the beach eating mangos and pineapples and generally observing the coming and going of other people. (I do love people watching!)
The other night we headed to one of the Cabaret shows on the island - Christy's Cabaret to be exact. I think this is the one we went to last time we were here but I cant be sure. Anyway, we sat in a bar opposite the place to make sure that there were plenty of other people heading to it. Nothing worse than having to sit in a room on your own with 40 odd lady boys for company.
Anyway, plenty seemed to be going that way so we headed across the road. A rather man-ish lady (I dont think the surgery had been that successful) walked us into the place and took our drinks order. She then very kindly brought them over and informed us that she was going to keep the change for herself...if that was ok with us. We didnt like to argue as I dont think we could have taken her (him) on.
As we sipped our drinks, we tried to take in our surroundings. Everywhere you looked you saw all of these lady boys at different stages of 'the change'. Some looked amazing for it and you really couldnt tell the difference. Some of them on the other hand, must have looked at themselves in the mirror and questioned why they had done this to themselves.
The annoying thing about guys turning into girls is that, generally speaking, they look better in our clothes than we do. The little skirts or skinny jeans hang off them nicely and they dont have any lumps or bumps to hide.
Anyway the show finally got started and we were laughing before they had got the first sentence of the song out...or should I say mimed what they thought to be the words of the song. I have never seen such bad miming in all my life! One of them was particularly bad but obviously they thought they could get away with it if they lifted up their dress and wiggled their fake, spongey penis in your face.
Some of them we recognised from the volley ball team, who play everyday on the beach. (we were starting to wonder how they actually made a living!) The whole event wasnt so much 'we've all come together to put on a great show' but more 'everyone look at me and how great my new boobs look! At the end of the show they all came out in red ball gowns, except for one, who decided just to wear her thonged bikini - we concluded that she must have just had some work done. By the time we walked out of the place, at least 4 of them had pulled their dress down to their waists or removed their top completely to show off the very purt and solid new boobs. Quite a few people were having their picture with them, grabbing their boobs at the same time...we decided not to par take in this activity.
All in all a very amazing night! We are off to bangkok tomorrow, though we wont get there until the next day (bit of a long journey). We'll spend 2 days there then we are off to Cambodia for 5 or so days. Cant wait!
Hope are all well! see you all soon! x x x
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