Claire's Travels
Hi Everyone!
Sorry, I've been a little rubbish at keeping this up to date. Right what have I been up to over the last week or so....
...well unfortunately the weather has turned for the worse. It's been bucketing down in Sydney. To make matters a little worse we thought it would be an excellent idea to send our coats and big warm jumpers home (you have to appreciate that it was a very warm and sunny day and we assumed that it was only going to get better as we head up the coast) The next day heavens opened and they havent really closed since.Joy!!
I mentioned the two the guys sharing our room - Jack and Matt. Well Jack's friend Jeffo, who currently lives in Sydney, took us out for a night on the town. Really good night! Lots of dancing and beverage consuming! The following day we headed to the Australian museum which was interesting.
We went out again that night, to Kings Cross ( very similar to London's version!) Another good night had by all! This time however, we were joined by another one of our room mates - Sven from Germany. This guy is planning on spending the next year in Australia, yet he doesnt really speak any english, nor does he make any effort to great banter from this one! He has also gained the nick name 'Taggers' as he has taken it upon himself to tag along with Jack and Matt for the last couple of days. I blame them for being to nice!
Anyway, moving off to Byron Bay tomorrow - fingers crossed that the weather improves a little!
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