Still in Melbourne over here. It's a great city and we've been exploring (I've managed to get us lost quite a few times). Getting over the time difference was quite horrendous, but I think by the end of last week we managed to kick it.
So far we've been up the Eureka building, which has an 'edge' experience where they dangle you off the side 88 floors up in a glass box. We didn't do this part as it didn't look too great (mum would've hated it!) We've also taken advantage of some of the events the hostel has put on and were taken to a cute little place that has four dollar pizza's and met lots of nationalities.
Our first weekend we spent in St Kilda which is a lovely beach town and there we met up with my friend Haley. After being taught poker by a lovely Australian man who worked at the hostel, some canadians took us out to party for Claire's birthday! It was eventful and we even met someone who had lived in Colchester for 5 years with the army. The pictures say it all - but we have been seeing Melbourne, not just getting drunk, promise.
We also took a trip to the botanical gardens which were beautiful especially on a clear day. We acted like real tourists and took pictures of everything - boofle included, as he had a great time.
Currently in a hostel in Melbourne city and have bunked with Estonians, Canadians, Germans, one guy from New york and another from China. Claire had lots of laughs at my expense when we discovered my top bunk bed had no ladder and I needed a leg up most nights. At the moment we are with three very lovely Candian girls who like to compare our accents and we all went to the beach today and saw a penguin after playing cards in the sun.
We will be travelling up to Sydney in the next week or so but not before visiting Phillip Island and using the $50 gift voucher I won at trivia nignt last week (we came fourth out of 7, but I got the bonus question right)!
I forgot to mention we both worked at the exhibition centre last week ripping up carpets with some others from our hostel. It is one of the weirdest things I've ever been paid for,
That's all that I can remember right now, but we're having fun and we haven't been eaten by sharks yet so fingers crossed. Enjoy the pictures - there are many more to come.
Lisa and Claire
- comments
Elaine I think you actually have to be in the water to get eaten by sharks! Is it warming up yet? I see you are wearing the grey hoodie still -whose hoodie am I wearing then? Its identical! Speak soon, mum xxx
Lisa I did dip my toe in the sea in St Kilda...and no sharks took a bite at my toes. We're getting really hot days (late twenties) and then windy and grey days. It's just as unpredictable as England. Off to the Aquarium today with my friend Kate (Claire is at work) and I won poker last night! I don't know whos hoodie that is, but I did keep mistaking it for mine too.