Woke up nice and early, but with a bit of a sore head. Charlotte was going to give us a driving tour of Brisbane going over the Storey Bridge, one of the major sites of Brisbane.
Once again, though Charlotte's navigation skills weren't too good and we got a very erratic tour of the city with a very stressed Charlotte not being able to find the huge bridge. About an hour of aimless driving later, we managed to get some directions and we finally crossed th Storey Bridge. We even got to cross it again as we had to turn around on the other side to get back to the house!
Now all our guide had to do was get us home, which again she failed at and got lost on the way back!
We had some lunch (a concoction of pork sausage, pasta, dolmio sauce and doritos spicy salsa) which was actually pretty tasty. Us 3 and Dayna then went to the nearby shopping centre, where the 3 girls tried out free moisturises and experimented with makeup whilst Dave got extremely bored. It didnt end when we got back to the house, where Mon then joined the girls and they all tried on dresses and shoes in preparation for the races the next day! Dave turned to wine during all this.
Later that night we then went down to a Thai restaurant with everyone, Charlie, Dayna, Mon, Nick and Clint. It was a bring your own beer restaurant so 6 bottles of wine later we were ready to leave!
We finally got back to the tent and then it happened, our first wild animal attack in Oz! Just as we were going to sleep we heard a rustle by the side of the tent, then felt and saw a huge thud as something lunged into the inner wall with claws digging into the canvas. It then moved quickly round to the other side and again, POW something lunged into the side of the tent again with all the poles bending and the canvas stretching inwards. It was here that we could make out the shape of a jet black, 8 month old kitten, Oliver. He seemed hell bent on testing the structure of the tent that had appeared overnight in his garden.
After a few practice attacks and jumps he managed to snap a pole. Then as Dave got up to try and sort the tent, the mini black panther lunger again, this time pushing the broken pole threw the outer canvas, causing a huge tear at the top of the tent. Oh dear, it looks like we will now have to buy a new tent!
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