if your not jumping off jumping out climbing up diving down, You really have taken Land Sea and Air to the extreme.
Keep up the blogs and piccys there great, Love to see you boys sat at a desk 9 til 5 in the next installment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep Safe, take care and see you soon
Oh hi chris, it's matt. Oh and hi jack it's matt here too. how the devil are the two of you. i'd like to introduce you to the first and only installment of my contribution to the message board.
i'v just been looking at all your photo's and quite frankly my next stop is the clifton suspension bridge with a shed load of elastic bands, that bungy jumping looks tip top. worth a go. on a serious not the photo's look awesome, jack your eyes look so much brighter when you have a tan, utter beauty and as for you chris, WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR BOTTOM.....oooops. lol. loved the art work in the sand. dyl taking stage on top left. appreciate that, cheers boys. as for my news over here, its incredible, just your general going out bit of boozing, getting AJ mullered and sending him home early. lol oh and C thanks for the bed last saturday kid, really comfortable but not really that much room for 2......waaaaayyyyyy. lol
the only reason why im doing one installment is because firstly i am rubbish at them as you can probably tell and quite frankly it kills me emotionally when i think of my two young boys being away. not going to see you two for quite literally years. unlucky for you. lol. appreciated the hooters pictures but come on brothers, not too many chickadoo's i see, jack yea i can understand but C come on dude your F**king gorgeous mate. spread the seed.....lol.....(sorry mr and mrs jelf) All looks a little homo at the moment. BUMMERS.....
anyway i had better get back to work kids. keep wat your doing, exept over the next couple of months try and do some fun stuff, cos it all looks quite boring so far. naaaatttt.
Boys miss you like (try not be rude matt, try no be rude) a hole in the head.
take it easy and enjoy the break, cos we are. Look after yourselves and each other.
BOUNCE, na na na na na na na na na na...........
x x
You really are living the dream what is your next extreme activity.
The photos were brilliant. Some excellent results in the football Nick says Liverpool to win the title.
What a shame about the job front oh well more time to do the social actiivities.
Take care
Kas One fan Nick
Liverpool 4 Real Madrid 0
Man Utd 1 Liverpool 4
Liverpool 5 Aston Villa 0
.....you must be loving all these recent results Barnsey!! :-) Fernan-do Torres, Liverpool's number 9!!
Keep on having fun lads, sounds like you're having an absolutely amazing time over there.
Mum J
Another awesome blog and photos. Think the photos with the biggest smiles still come when drink is invlolved!! Are there many "you know when you wanted me to tell you after" experiences still to come? Dad and I just spent weekend in Prague, historical sightseeing and mulled wine, most scary moment was when the key broke in the toilet door and I was banging on the door for what seemed like ages, thinking Dad may get the flight back on his own!! Not quite the adrenalin experiences you've had!!
As always, take care.
Mum and Dad J
PS. We were glad not to be home yesterday, Ants not a happy chap and you 2 were celebrating again, I'm sure!!!
Sorry but coley you deserve a reply for that msg! AMAZING! love it, your words are magic! ha, actually just laughed out loud, think i made a few randomers in the hostel jump in the process.
Anyhow....hope you and family are well.
Cant wait for the next message... Brilliant.Legend.
Take it steady.
Big Sis And The Lil Man
yo yo yo bro. was great to talk to you yesterday and here all about your adventures. sound like you have been up to so many things that most people would only ever dream about doing. i would love to do the jump though.
will defo arrange to send you a video of dylan. he is proper mint.
he keeps saying that you have been gone ages!!
anyway take care and have fun
miss you
big sis and the lil man xxx
p.s please don't mention that bloody match again!!!
Hi both
What a great blog super photos, by the way I did notice that you are getting to look like a couple of hobo's after your first weeks work see if you cdan by a packet of razor blades between you. What a great experience you are having make the most of it and keep safe, Spoke to my brother Michael this morning he said what a nice lad you were so I don't know what he had been drinking!!
Love Grandad & Steph
Gary Cole
What the ****! You 2 boyz are mental! Bungy, chopper, white water rafting, speed boating. Whatever happened to good old fashioned walking? Have you learned nothing from your fine English upbringings?
Seriously though guys it soulnds bllody awesome (all except the bungy!)
The chopper experience reminds me of when I was in 'Nam (Cheltenham I mean) and was chased for 10 minutes before they caught me and put me in the van (not quite as speedy as the Power boat). Getting out of the van I fell off the step all the way down to the floor (not quite as far as your bungy) and once booked in I was banged in the slammer ( Does this remind you of some of your hostel experiences?!!!) So you see yo may have gone to the other side of the world to experience this when you could have just travelled up the M5 to sample the delights of all of these things and had possibly the finest cooked breakfast served at any of Her Majesty's Establishments!
Glad you are both well and still living the dream. Make the most of it guys and enjoy the 'Pools revival. I am! Man U trouncing was awesome and I thought of you two when it was on, wondering if you, like me were savouring the moment(s)!
Weather here today is glorious and I might even take my cagoule off!
Have to go now as I have to go and catch todays lunch.... fisfhingers and peas! But you know how good they are right?
Be safe guys. Take Care.
Gob Less.
Old Man
Great blog,great pic's.The ones of Queenstown really brought back good memories for me. Don't think i could bring myself to bungey thgough. The place where you went on the luge,just a bit higher was the spot where i did my para-gliding. Son not quite sure if there were enough mentions of that "match". Glad you are both havin a great time & great to talk to you yesterday. Take good care and get a job you lazy "b******'s" HA! Love to you both.
Unc Mark
Whats left to do !!!!! seems like lion taming must be next. Brill blogs and pictures keep them coming
take care and keep safe
Mum B
Well binman hey..knew paradise wouldn't last forever! Loved the new photos...you sound as if you have found a bit of England only better!
What a game....you know which one, taped it for you for your return.
Take care boys..and enjoy!