Hi ya handsome! loved the latest video, easy to mistake you as an "aussie" fitting in well I see !
Jezz you've seen more of OZ than what I have and I live here!
Great to see you still having a great time and experiencing anything and everything, good for you !
Will tune in for your next adventure!
have fun & stay safe.
Rita xoxo
Teutons & Dytes
Hello Jack :)
Family gathering at Nans, caught up with your travels. Favourie bit so far: Campervan 2. Skydiing looked fantastic, so did Mission Beach - Elaine's favourite., but everything looks amazing!
Phoebe says bring home lots of kangeroos and wallabies.
Hows the cooking going? Fed up with it yet? Doesn't look like you're putting on much weight, you're cooking can't have improved... or you're not drinking enough. Gramps liked the Steve Irwin pictures, and he liked the "snooker"diving :D
Nan said it was lovely to speak to you, and we're all missing you. We look forward to the next update.
Love from everyone xxxxxxxxx
"old Man"
great to see that you are both having a great time.i am only just a little bit jealous. Actually that's b******s,i'm very jealous. All of the photos look great,good to see surfers again & the sydney pics. brings back good memories for me.Make sure you enjoy NZ,sure you will.No comments about how long it took me to type this,at least i got there in the end.Well take care,enjoy "freshers week". Yeah like i need to tell you that.Ha! Talk to you soon. Love "ur ol man"
Sooooo jealous boys, cannot begin to express my jealousy! Watched Liverpool beat Sundarland last night Jack, and City are currently drawing with Birmingham! But you don't really care, you're probably into that weird game thats a cross between volleyball, football and rugby! Live the dream boys, won't be long until you're back at Yankee Candle! They said your jobs are waiting for you when you get back!
Take it steady lads.
The Mitchell Fam
Video is brilliant, sounds like the sky diving was the best.
Hope you have had a good flight over to NZ and did not try to jump out!!
Enjoy the rugby. Hope loking for work is not to painful!!
Take care
Kas, One fan and Nick
Defo put a few paragraph brakes in their but hasnt seem to of displayed them, sorry. Also take out 'read' on the 2nd line, dunno how that got their, ha!
Listen guys, As soon as you get to NZ head straight for 'studio space', Auckland. I read couldnt help but notice they were looking for budding young actors to star in their new film 'PSC do Australia'. And judging by your latest performances you will nail the parts hands down. C-Jelf please do not ever use PSC attire to wipe your mouth with, ever!!!!!! And to think there was a perfectly good shirt next to it which could have been used (i'm joking Jack, i know how much you hate me mentioning that Liverpool are the greatest choke artists!). Loving the name shout in the sand, im glad a part of me has made it to Australia, even if it is only my name, ha! Keep up the good work lads. Love you long time AJ
Hi both
What a great blog and photo's again i would have a go myself if i was 50 years younger
well C i notice when you go sky diving you stop arsing around i bet you never showed the colour of your knickers when you landed
Have a great time in N Z its about time you both went back to work
Keep safe
Grandad & Steph
Mum J
Another set of brill photos, some of the skydiving ones are fab and really show what great experience it was. Even I feel jealous, not really the same as parascending was it!
Glad to see the NBRFC tatoo stayed hidden in the air and under the sea!!!
Have a safe journey to NZ, hope somebody has warned them that you're on the way, although if Jacks' given up drinking they may not need to import quite so much beer!!
Take care both,
Love Mum J, XX
Boys, you are getting better and better at this. OUTSTANDING tales.
In particular Jelf on skydiving: "don't really think about what your doing as you fall because its just so good". Boy is that ever TRUE!
Jackson: "the feeling" pic. STILL THE TOP PIC OF THE TRIP. Poster child for selling the experience, thats for sure. love it!
Cheers to seeking the next adventure felt with zero thoughts - true BLISS.
Unc Mark
Well, what do i say !!!! a real adventure, a great experience and totally jealous. BUT haha you now need to to find a job. I know this is going to be a great shock but you know long hours, abused by management, all the bum chores, and low pay. Some reality at last and going to be like the rest of us.
Travel safely to the next island and keep the blogs coming in between the gruelling / teddious hours of work.
Love from us all at the Mills household
Excellent photos again, perhaps i should not being some shots! Not good for my health.
This time seems to have gone really quickly can't belief you are moving on soon. Time to look for work both of you take care and ease yourself in gently. Looks like the sky diving was good what else have you planned to do when you are not working!