oooo the Tango! I would definitely be the gal without a clue.
Just call me Baby, I can't even do the merengue.
shame...a wasted dirty dancing reference on 2 english dudes - nearly born in the 90s no less. ;)
Hi Both
What a great blogg & photo's again you must both have done more in six months than most people do in a lifetime.
I have given Mum a few quid for you to have a drink on me, as i have had an experience myself.
162 yards par 3 HOLE IN ONE!! The only downside was the £108.00 bar bill. Keep safe the pair of you
Grandad & Steph
Pommie Auntie Bev
True paradise! Figi looks like something out of this world. I'm glad you mentioned the X Factor. Me, uncle Mark and a crowd went to X Factor auditions this week but I can honestly say it wasn't a patch on your experience. Castaway was one of my favourite films. Did you find Wilson? He fell off the raft when Tom was making his getaway. I wondered if he had washed up on the beach!
Love U loads. C U Soon. xxx
Sorry we've been so rubbish at leaving messgaes, but we have been reading the blogs/looking at pictures. Fiji looks amazing! I (Daisy) am so jealous. And skiing in Chili.... You'll need a holiday to get over it !
You might be interested to know the Gramps is thinking of getting a laptop!! Finally joining the 21st century! He's trying to trace his family tree... but I'm sure you'll hear all about it once you're home :) We think we may have distant relatives in New York and Canada.. might come in useful in your futute travels, hey?
Anyway, sounds like you're still having a brilliant time, take care and keep taking the pictures !
Love to you from all of us xxx
Mum J
Sounds like you continue to party hard!! That along with the short work experience and the other fantastic expereinces you've had continues to make it an awesome time for you both. Not sure that I'm jealous about the shark feeding, but Fiji sounds a fab place to visit.
Will look forward to the photos, especially the All Blacks, when you have time, during your busy schedule to upload them.
Take care
Love Mum J
Inspiring debauchery tales boys, enjoy the new time zone!
Lads, Still soooo jealous, I hope your not smything up the South American women as well????
Feels like you've been gone ages, but you still have many months to go.
Keep the stories going dude
Piece Out
Coley, i dont believe it, i actually dont believe it. I remember the (one)year where i never bought Adidas, you treated me so badly....HA. nah big shock, but we ll make mistakes...
as for the golf shout it will be a pleasure to come back and take a beating.... by the way do you know anywhere at woodlands where i can put my "hot ashes"? ha good times...
anyways take care all,
will be home before you know it. x
Great photos once again and glad you had a "special" birthday. (One to remember until the next special birthday I'm sure).
I have a confession to make mate. I'm not proud of it and it makes mr cry as I tell you this in an effort to get it off my chest and seek some solace in the fact that I can speak to you alone , without anyone else knowing about it but I have to tell someone and you are the only person who will truly understand what I have done and what a terrible mistake I have made.
I have always told you to be true to the one you love, to be faithful and to foresake all others even though how good they look or what an opportunity it seems at the time.
JB, I am ashamed and have disgraced myself.......................
I bought a pair of Nike Astro turf boots!
I have sent a personal apology to Adi Dassler who hasn't even't bothered to reply and I can understand why! I did say there is a recession on but it appears to have cut no ice!
I am mortified and the only comfort I can take is that I will be beating Greg tomorrow in the same Adidas golf shoes that I " smashed you out of sight" in, the last time we played at Woodlands.
Come home soon mate. we all miss you and can't wait for you to be the whipping boy on the course!
Be safe. Love to you from all of us here. Gob Less.
Hi guys, how ya going? Vin says "great to see you in training for Peru"? Still working hard here. Same sh.. different day!!! House coming along = almost to lock up stage. Should be finished by your next trip (or Nick's). Take care boys, miss you heaps. Love from Bel, Vin, Liv, Sim and Mon xx
Sis And The Lil Footballer
yo yo yo bro,
glad to see that you had a wkd b'day and celebrated in true style!! (with lots of alcohol)
i hope that work is going well, and remember you are not overworked, you just aren't used to it!!
anyway speak soon
take care both of you
Old Man
I know it is a bit late,but happy birthday son.Great blog great photos.certainly looks like you had a great day. Not much going on here apart from,at the point of writing Man U now 6 points clear.Munster lost to Leinster in HEINEKEN cup semi.Looks like the double could be on again.Ha! Well all the best you 2
two. Talk to you soon.Take care. Lots of love the "old man" x x