Have just read both the blogs and as usual after reading them can see that you're having the time of your lives. Think this is definitely the largest lot of photos I've ever looked at that contain alcohol in almost every picture. Glad to see that Jack celebrated his birthday in style and at least you have the evidence for the bits you can't remember (well I hope there aren't any other bits!!!).
Happy working!! Take care.
Love Mum and Dad J
Absolutely ROCK SOLID Queenstown post.
Lyrical orchestrated superbness. Like you coated my brain with chocolate sauce.
so yeh.. thanks.
Happy 21st mate. Will buy you a beer when you come home.
Take care.
Much love from Gaz, Tab, Greg & Mitch.
Melanie And Jonathan Western
Happy 21st Birthday Jack sounds like you are having a brilliant time. Take care loads of love
Mel and Jonathan xxxxxx
Coley... magic. just magic. Still laughing at the fiord shout. an i defo sent a stamp on it by the way! i know a few readers that would belive that! ha
take it easy!
p.s. cya at 10 on monday for golf?
Rootin' Teuton & The Other Tootens
Happy Easter from Winterbourne!! - although I suppose it is Christmas time now down that part of the world, isn't it?
All these photos are getting a bit boring now - can't you get any without landscapes or those two ugly blokes in?
But seriously, New Zealand does look pretty awesome and really enjoying the pictures and stories. Keep it coming!
We are just off for Easter lunch and probably some chocolate too so we will be thinking of you.
George wanted to mention the Champions League but I didn't think that was fair, so I won't...
...oops! - just did!
Keep having a great time!
The Teutons
Boyz,Another fantastic blog on another fantastic part of your journey.
Right enuff of that old crap, lets get back to what this is all about......... me!
OK so I ain't been to New Zealand but C there are such things as golf carts in the UK and they can go faster than 180! (Great Vid tho' JB) Tab said that you were referring to the degrees and I told her "There is no way that's 180'. It's bloody raining and much colder than that!"Does she think I'm stupid or what?
Fiords? I just bought my 3rd! Yep a nice 1.6 Ghia Fiord Focus, goes like... well a bit like a Focus really, but at least it beats a bike. Unless of course it's a really fast bike like one of those really fast ones you can get but that's not the point!
Thanks for the card JB. It was a nice thing to do but you could have put a stamp on it you tight git! Cost me £14.58 when the postie delivered it today! Ah well I suppose it's the thought that counts.
Anyway boyz. bought meself a new set of all graphite golf clubs last week without Tab knowing but alas they would not fit through the letter box!
She went 'kin nuts when they were delivered but I tried to diffuse the situation and make light of it by saying " At least it's not porn!" This seemed to infuriate her even more though I can't understand why! The point is tho I have not been allowed to use them yet and Tab says I have to wait until you come home before I can. Any chance you could get home by Monday cos I got the day off?
Have to go now as Tab and I are off to buy a new lawn mower as I switched it on an hour ago and it made a whimpering noise and stopped. Tab said it's possibly because it ain't built to contend with grass 8" tall. British Built my ass!
Keep the English flag flying boyz.
Be safe and Gob Less.
Hi Boys just been round to mum and dads and watched the skydiving dvd must have been the best thing you have done it looked excellent, not that i could do anything like that. I take it from loftys facebok that you have found work,what a shame!!
How did you find ice in NZ i though there was only sunshine and rugby! Now on to the football Nick was heartbroken when we came in and saw the score but soon cheered up by half time and at the end of the match he was slightly pleased with the result. Lofty has not said too much about it such a happy household the dawson one!
Well boys enjoy the good life keep up the good work!
Kas One fan and Nick
Mum B
Yes that's the place, on my way find me a house and a job..the school on Mount Cooke sounds perfect - 15 children! I'm glad your adrenalin is coming from the more natural things in life..can't beat a good walk in the rain!
Big Sis And The Lil Man
yo yo yo bro (and chris). how the devil are you?
again your pics look amazing, dylan loves looking at them, but today he is more interested in being a footballer?! don't know where he gets that from?!
pleased to hear that you are still having the time of your lives, however wen you say you'll have some time off when you get back i'm confused as to what your actually doing now?!
i am writing this in between going to get the lil man out the fridge and tell him for the 10th time today,to wait till lunch time!! again don't know where he gets that from?!
not much else to report here, i hope that you are both well and that your livers haven't quite packed up on you yet.
hope to speak to you soon
love and all that stuff
big sis and the very hungry, football mad, lil man xxx
p.s who is top of the league?!
(say no more)
Old Man
H i you two great photos. I was s upposed to go to lake wanaka,but guess what i took a wrong turn. I know thats hard to believe. I actually ended up in lake hawea. The pic's of Franz are amazing,again bring back great memories for me,it is so nice to see NZ again through your pic's. I think you will see a massive difference in the north island to the south. Hey son enough of the 4-1. Your team are still behind & we as in the "champions of england-champions of europe"are back in front. Ha! Well all done now boys take care & hope if you do find WORK it is not too hard for you both. Yeah right! Talk to you soon x x
Pommie Auntie Bev
Hi Chris and Jack,
So glad that you are persevering with your life of drudgery!
What stunning scenery, what stunning experiences you're having. The wet weather must make you feel soooo homesick. Seriously though, i'm really glad that you are both having the time of your young lives! Keep safe and well and very much look forward to your brilliant blogs and postcards. Luv u loads.