Fair shout lads, looks and sounds like your loving it .............. So jealous!!!
Top blog posts and excellent photos. Keep enjoying yourself lads so you can remember this for the rest of your life.
Take Care
Keep it up boys, not liking the idea of you moving to the tinier island to the south... but hey, it will just get BETTER! WICKED.
top shelf stories!
enjoy the living spree boys, and keep on shinin.
Kathryn Xxx
heyo boys!!!
WOW!!! how jealous am i, of your fun at the zoo, the tigers were so cute!!!!!!
I hope you are having a awesome time still, certainly looks like it. Chris maybe next time in the next batch of photo we don't see you white bum!! teehee!!
Hi Jack, loving your blogs and pictures especially the surfing ones. Have you seen any wombats since you've been in Oz? (from Phoebe)
The snows been great here (two days off school) but we would rather be in the hot with you.
Can't wait to hear about your skydivng. We will take the laptop to Nans so she can leave a message.
Keep having a grat time!
Love from the Teutons
Alright Jack my boy. I hear you need some messaging (yes spelt with an e and not an a) from your side of the adventurers, so I thought I'd oblige. I have just caught up with your last two blogs and pictures and I gotta say I think you're both a pair of gits! I was told the best option was to get a job with career prospects and a future, work hard, keep your head down, and then one day when your old, retire and do something adventurous like take up golf. Where was the advice about diving- sky, sub-aqua and all the other derivations of that term? One thing that worries me a little - and of course I believe in equality and freedom of choice and all that - is the theme of some of your photos. Working back there were pictures of you dressed in builders outfits not disimilar to the Village People, there were pictures of you holding fruits and to cap it all a totally unnerving photograph of you both 'coming out of the closet'! What's going on? Don't know if you are picking up the news about the 6 nations over there. It's not good to be an Englishman so close to the river Severn and Bristol are bombing out big time in the Prem. Ah well it's only a game and if your main concerns are where to park in a sun kissed paradise and what food to cook I guess you'll not be too worried. On cooking there is no way I can compete with Coley's suggestion but mine would be to alays travel with enough money to buy a curry!
Lads have a ball but take care at the same time.
Regards Nick
Marilyn And Mick
Glad to see you are having a great time , it is still very hot here and rain hanging about ,we have been out to Iain and Nicole's again and had oysters and prawns as well as a BBQ, Mick has just checked the radar and seems to be pretty quite around Cairns , Chris keep that tatt covered Mick said he would hate to find out that he is related to half of the east coast of australia , Love to you both (Uncle) Mick and Marilyn
One Fan
alrte boys.
good tattoo on ur arse cj bt i have seen it quite a few tyms.
looks lyk da campers goin well and avin fun.
take care boys
one fam
Pommie Auntie Bev
Hello Chris and Jack.
Totally blown away by your blog. Felt quite emotional in actual fact! To think how dull geography was at school, you've completely revived it for me. Glad JoJo's homing instinct kicked in. I was very concerned for a moment there. Love to you both. Take care of yourselves and your livers!
Pommie Auntie Bev
Mum J
Hi Both,
Good to see you're still having fab time. Shame you've been unlucky with the weather on occasions, but it doesn't seem to have stopped you having a good time.
C, why is it you who always has to reveal their tatoo!!! Thought it was just Ants who did that!!!
I' m sure just writing the words "job hunt" sent you both running for some alcohol!!!
Just received Dad's Blog from India, nothing compared to yours, 2 photos attached to an e-mail!! Think he needs a bit of guidance.
Take care, love Mum J
Hi Chris,
It's Simon (cousin/second cousin/some relative!).
Your trip looks great, really enjoying the blog.
I still don't understand why you were in the lockers - Are there no beds in Ozzie youth hostels?!
Bron Porton
Hi guys, hope you are both well, wow your photos are stunning, that one of the view from your hostel window, beatuiful.
Seeing the beach makes me soooo jealous, enjoy and keep having fun.
Looks as if the fun just goes on and on, the photos are brill. Hope all is going well in the camper mum told us how you picked who was having the first drive, glad to hear it was such a mature way!!
Looks like your culinary skills are improving don't get to good or you will both have to cook when you get home.