I am rather unfortunately short of time in this internet cafe before my internet connection gets cut, 20 minutes to be precise which is a shame because I was looking forward to writing this blog very much. My strategy thus is to bullet point now, possibly to expand upon later. The title for this list is
Why I Hate Shanghai
(note - I didnt want to be like this. I waited till I felt calm. I figured maybe it was one bad day. Every day is a bad day here. If I lived here, I would die)
1) Crossing the road is terrifying. When the green man flashes, the cars turn regardless. When a motorcyclist sees you, he turns in your direction and speeds up. Motorcycles, bicycles everywhere. No chance of stopping for pedestrians, in fact more brownie points the more you knock down. I have taken to muttering an unpleasant word beginning with a C in all such cases.
2) There is no chance of me getting a seat on the subway. It doesnt matter that Im female, it doesnt matter that Im a visitor. There is no seat for me.
3) Shanghai hasnt figured out yet that it isnt possible for everyone to enter and exit the subway ar simultaneously. The winner is the person who pushes the most frantially. And if someone gets trampled underfoot so muh the better.
4) The menu is a minefield of offal and all other things vile. Dont think something that looks inoculous is, it isnt, it is pig intestines with chiken giblet broth. Its a trap.
5) Nobody speaks English. Apparantely hosting the Olympics did not have that on its list of requirements.
6) Every single person man or woman stares. Espeially at the breasts. Which isnt entirely unexpected but when you catch their eye they just contine unabashed. Sometimes they nearly fall off their bike their necks are craned round so hard. Beth and I are in competition to see who ahieves this first. Although she had a packet of ondoms thrown at her today so shes winning.
7) You have to listen to a speil like this from every single person as you walk down the shopping streets.. 'Gucci watch, prada bags, good quality, just look no buy no problem, shoes, scarf, wallet, dvds, what you want to buy today??" And apparantely NO isnt one of the few wqords theyve picked up.
We are leaving tomorrow. I hope this is a Shanghai thing and not an every corner of China thing. It is not good for the blood pressure and Im too young to die..
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