Hey, we've finally got around to downloading 300+ pictures we took from the weekend just gone, but don't worry only a select few have made it as far as the blog.
Last Wednesday we realised we might not have that many weekends to do whatever we like, So we got into the info booklets to see what we could do at short notice. A couple of hours later we had rented a car and were staying at a motel in Wye River on the Great Ocean Road.
The Great Ocean Road is incredible! Netti read that the road was built by Great War veterans when they returned home to commemorate the fallen. If there's a more beautiful tribute in the world I haven't seen it. It took about 13 years to build!
On Friday night we picked up the car and drove out of Melbourne (at rush hour unfortunately!) and crawled out of the city for an hour before picking up the GOR. Driving in Aussie is pretty easy because they're on the left. The only difference in the city centre is Hook Turns, nightmare! When turning right across tram lines you have to sit in the left hand lane and wait for traffic to pass before you turn right as the light goes to red, the whole time looking out for cars, trams, pedestrians and idiot cyclists! Fortunately I only had to do one so just closed my eyes and went for it......
Any who I digress, When we picked up the Ocean Road things slowed down even more than rush hour traffic. It is too beautiful to drive quickly, we kept stopping every few miles due to scenery! (Jim & Hayles it's like the road trip to Whistler!)
Most of the road hugs the coast right till we got to our Motel at Wye River, as the pics show the view was simply amazing, can't imagine how expensive or exclusive that place would be if it was in the UK....
The pub was my idea of heaven, good beers and chilled music, comfy seats and floor to ceiling ocean views
A guy at work told me that the motel had been dubbed 'spy river' a few years previous as the old owner had been sent to prison for being a peeping tom, offering travellers a free shower! This wasn't in the Motel part we were in but didn't stop me checking the ceiling in the morning!
Crikey I'm rambling! On Saturday we woke up to watch surfers over breakfast, and hit the road. First stop was a rainforest walk with carnivorous snails!! Really nice walk in amongst huge trees and I only had flip flops, doh!
After that was Netti's highlight, we turned down a side road to go visit a lighthouse (yawn!) but on the road down there we drove past some people pulled over taking photos of a tree. When we got there it was a Koala with a baby on her back! We started taking pictures then I sweet talked an American bird into lending us her super zoom lens and Netti went snap happy!! Overall we took about an hour to drive three miles, stopping taking pic of Koalas up trees, was well worth it. The lighthouse however was not, it was closed!
Next (yep there's more!) we headed in land a bit to see Triplet Falls, answers on a postcard as to how many waterfalls there were! Was very beautiful again.
Then onto the 12 Apostles back at the coast, This was awesome. The sun had come out and the coast line was basically showing off. Have a look at the pictures, they speak for themselves. We both got claw hands from taking so many photos!
Had dinner on the beach, briefly thought about you lot back in the wet and windy UK then headed back to the motel to look out the window again!
The one thing we didn't get to do was surf, gutted, the ocean on the Sunday when we were all set to do it was like a mill pond! We bought some flip flop Christmas lights to soften the blow then came back to the city via some seriously nice woodland driving.
450 miles of beautiful roads, I sound like Clarkson!
Definitely the best time we've had so far, so glad we got it done as work has picked up a lot for me now and Netti has got a job too so we will be living real lives again!
If you've made it this far, congratulations it's finished.
Thanks for reading now go look at the pictures!
Chris & Netti x
- comments
Joey Wowzer! that sounds fantastico!! yay netti got the elf job?? thats fab! i want some pics of her in her uniform please hehe xx
Jellybean Sounds amazing!!! Saw the flip flop lights on Skype and they are hillarious! Made Jake and Mad howl with laughter. Congratulations on the job news Netti!!!! Your true calling in life? Tough news about there being no uniform though....but that doesn't mean you can't wear an elf costume, just that you have to supply your own!?!!? Love to you both. (p.s. Jake's postcard arrived today!!!! Yey!) Jelly xxxxxxx
Ma Lewis WOW !! That was some trip, we will put that on our list of 'Things to do' Suppose I ought to get some work done really, but I still have to look at all the pics. Keep looking over my shoulder!
Sammy B and Dave ;oD Nettie and Chris- thats such a Nettie adventure- the driving in the city, Kolala bears in the trees, big snals...and the light house was closed- ops! To finish it all off flip flop christmas tree lights- love it! So happy for you both enjoying yourself xxxxxx