Det er min sidste dag i min rejse, og jeg har de sidste tre dage kedet maasen af i Kuala Lumpur. Jeg er lige blevet smidt vaek fra min solbadningsspot ved siden af en offentlig pool, der ikke var aaben endnu, saa jeg taenkte, at jeg maaske skulle faa skrevet blog for de sidste 7 uger. Uha!
Jeg skriver ikke saa meget om New Zealand, men jeg kopirer oversigtsplanen fra Kiwi Experience, saa i kan se, hvad vi lavede de forskellige dage, og saa skriver jeg lidt kommentarer til, naar der er noget, der skal med!
dag 1:
Jeg kommer direkte fra lufthavnen uden at have sovet to doegn, uden at vide praecis hvor min bus gaar fra, og hvordan jeg kommer med den. Jeg ved bare, at der gaar en bus kl. 07am fra Kiwi hovedkontor, saa jeg vader hele vejen derned. 07.15 gaar det op for mig, at der ikke kommer en bus, men jeg ved, at et eller andet sted oppe i byen, gaar der en kl 07.30. Saa jeg vader hele vejen tilbage igen. Da jeg naar op i byen ser jeg Kiwi experience bussen holdende, blinkende klar til afgang, og i vildskab saetter jeg spurten ind. Endnu en gang kan jeg skrive under paa, at det IKKE er nemt at spurte med en 15kg tung rygsaek. Da jeg endelig naar op til bussen, kaempende efter vejret, bliver jeg moedt af en, meget grinende, venlig buschauffoer. Bussen gik aabenbart foerst om 15min, men han syntes virkelig det var sjovt, at se mig looooooebe alt hvad jeg kunne op til bussen. Det eneste gode ved en saadan entre er da, at alle fra starten af ved hvem man er, og man hurtigt kommer til at snakke med alle. Minuset er saa, at man skal hoere paa Jarreds (buschaufoerrens) daarlige jokes i hoejtaleren resten af turen......
Auckland to Paihia (Bay Of Islands)
Take a trip to the winterless north and pack as much as you can into a weekend!
We arrive in the Bay of Islands around midday and check out the sights surrounding Paihia, including the historical location of Waitangi. Northland is rich in history and Maori culture and with its clear water, huge kauri forests, and 144 islands to explore you will soon see why Kiwi Experience heads up north. Swim with the dolphins, experience the Excitor Fast Boat, ride out to the famous hole in the rock, or go kayaking, sailing, fishing, diving, snorkelling, or just relax on the beach!
Den foerste dag her, lejede jeg kajakker sammen med en anden fyr og en pige. Vi roede ud til en af de mange smaa oeer, der laa omkring Paihai, og fandt vores egen hemmelige strand!
Det var meningen vi skulle skydive den dag, men da det var for blaesende blev det udskudt til dagen efter! En af fyrene jeg gjorde det med, flippede fuldstaendig ud i flyet, da han skulle til at springe, og gjorde alt hvad han kunne for at holde sig fast i doeren, saa han ikke kunne komme ud! Det var ret underholdende. Skydive er nok det sygeste kick jeg nogensinde har faaet - jeg hader hoejder, jeg hader foelsen af at falde, men pga. den store vindmodstand kan man ikke foele at man falder, i stedet foeles det som om man flyver! Det var for fedt, og hvis jeg havde penge nok, ville jeg goere det tusind gange mere.
Paihia to Auckland
Squeeze in those activities you haven't completed yet before heading back to Auckland
Departing late afternoon, you have the best part of the day to experience one of the many activities on offer in the Bay, or simply chill on the beach with a good book. The drive back to the "big smoke", which us Kiwis affectionately call Auckland, is relaxed and we have you back in the city in time to find some dinner and hit the town.
Her skete der ikke saa meget, jeg miglede med nogen flere fra gruppen og spiste aftensmad! Der er aldrig ret meget at lave i storbyerne.
Auckland to Hot Water Beach
Spend the afternoon walking or kayaking to Cathedral Cove, or take a surfing lesson at Hot Water Beach!
After visiting the Kiwi Experience office we head towards the Coromandel Peninsula and spend the afternoon at Cathedral Cove; accessible only on foot or by kayak. This beautiful coastal spot is great for swimming, sea kayaking, and spotting dolphins if you're lucky. We then carry on to Hot Water Beach (rated one of the top ten beaches in the world by Lonely Planet) where you can take a surfing lesson and head out with your shovel at low tide to dig your own hot pool in the sand.
Inden vi kom til Hot Water Beach gik vi en tur op af en kaempe bakken, hele tiden med udsigt over stranden, vandet og en masse smaa oeer. Hot Water Beach var cool, vi gravede kaempe huller i sandet, der blev fyldt om med brand varmt vand. Det vidst noget med, at det er de tidligere vulkaner der goer, at vandet der er saa varmt. Nogen gange kunne man sidde helt stille, og saa ville vandet blive skoldende varmt, saa man var noedt til at springe op, for at komme vaek.
Hot Water Beach to Waitomo
Check out New Zealand's gold mining history before travelling on to experience the glow-worms, underwater caves and forest walks of Waitomo.
After an early start our first stop is the Karangahake Scenic Reserve to explore a native bush-clad gorge, swing bridges and a bit of New Zealand's gold mining history. Next it's onto Waitomo (wai meaning water, tomo meaning cave) where you will get the chance to see glow-worms, stalactites, cave coral, fossilized oysters and other crazy stuff in the limestone caves formed from 40 million year old dead fish.
Her tog vi paa en Balck River Rafting tur. Jeg ville saa personligt ikke kalde det river rafting, men svoemme omkring i en badering og hundefryse i tre timer. Men vi saa glow-worms, hvilket jeg var vildt fascineret af. Det er smaa orme, der sidder oppe i loftet og lyser groent, naar alt andet lys er slukket. Saa mens vi tubede rundt i vores badering i grotterne, lignede ormene stjernerne paa himmelen. Uh, og vi tubede ned at nogen vandfald, det var ogsaa ret fedt.
Waitomo to Rotorua
Last chance to explore Waitomo before heading to Rotorua, the Maori culture capital of New Zealand.
We start the day with a walk through the Ruakuri Reserve and a breakfast stop at the Long Black Café before heading through to Rotorua. In the afternoon you'll have a chance to go along to a farm show, go Zorbing, luging, and try out a crazy activity or two at Agroventures. In the evening you can experience a traditional Maori hangi (feast) and concert with Tamaki Tours - a night not to be missed!
Aah Rotorua. Rotorua er kendt for dens... meget let genkendelige lugt af raadne aeg! Og har derudover ikke et saerligt godt ry, fordi der bor mange fattige mennesker, samt mange unge ballademagere. Men her tog vi til Hobitton! Wuhu. Det er naesten ligesaa magisk som filmen. Ej, tager det i mig igen, det kan aldrig blive lige saa magisk som i filmen. Men det var en oplevelse at se det.
Om aftenen overtog jeg poolbordet og bankede den ene efter den anden! Men slut paa aftenen loeb mit held ud, saa jeg gik udenfor for at haenge ud i stedet. er moedte jeg Carl. Og den eneste grund til, at jeg endte med at haenge ud med Carl og hans venner var, at Carl havde gemt en lille 6 ugers gammel hundehvalp under jakken, som han ikke ville lade blive hjemme, da hans store hund var led ved den. I starten kunne jeg slet ikke forstaa hvorfor han ville sidde udenfor en bar en hel aften med en hundehvalp paa slaeb, maaske fordi jeg er saa godtroende at jeg aldrig havde troet, at en doermand ville lade en pusher aabenlyst sidde der paa trappen til baren. Sammen med en anden pige og en dreng fra gruppen tog vi med Carl og 4 andre kiwi fyre ud til en anden bar, hvor Carl igen blev udenfor baren 'paa grund af hunden', hvilket jeg meget naivt troede paa. Dagen efter Moedtes to andre piger fra gruppen og jeg med Carl og en fyr der hedder Kenny, vi moedte dagen foer, (og nu gaar det op for mig, hvorfor Carl kun sad uden for). Kenny tog os med rundt og viste os alle mulige forskellige ting i Rotorua, hot springs, strande, hotwater pools, skov, klipper blabla, og koerte os til sidst til Taupo, hvor bussen tidligere den dag havde koert resten af vores gruppe hen.
Rotorua to Taupo
A popular backpacker destination, with New Zealand's biggest lake and plenty to keep you occupied!
The first activity of the day is exploring the geothermal reserve of Te Puia, with New Zealand's largest geyser and a chance to see a real live Kiwi bird. The afternoon journey to Taupo includes stop offs to explore the area's lakes and Taupo's famous Huka Falls. Taupo is rightly known as the adventure capital of the North Island with optional activities on offer such as skydiving, bungy jumping, jet boating, the Volcanic Centre and the spectacular Tongariro Crossing!
Taupo (extra day)
We recommend staying an extra night in Taupo because there's so much to do there. If you're short on time, you can always skip this extra day, timetable allowing, and get to the next stop sooner.
Enjoy a sleep-in (for those not doing the Tongariro Crossing) and experience one of the many activities on offer. A walk down to Spa Park to relax in the natural hot springs by the river is a great way to spend the day (or night). Alternatively if you have time head off on our 'East As': 4 day, 3 night unique add-on trip around the East Cape, which takes you to places few tourists get to see.
Taupo to River Valley
Visit Tongariro National Park, take and enjoy some stunning free walks before arriving at River Valley Adventure Lodge
We head south around the "great lake" towards the Tongariro National Park for a picnic lunch and a two hour walk through native bush and waterfalls. In the afternoon we travel through to the ultimate adventure lodge - River Valley, situated amongst towering cliffs and bush-clad hills. The lodge offers grade five rafting on the Rangitikei River, scenic horse riding, and a small golf course. Spend the evening enjoying the delicious roast dinner and relaxing by the open fire.
River Valley var saa hyggeligt, og mens mange tog ud og river rafter, besluttede jeg, tre andre fyre og en dansk pige os for, at vi ville bestige det bjerg, der laa overfor. Pigen endte med at vende om, men jeg var meget maalrettet og ville naa toppen, saa jeg tvang drengene med videre. Til sidst maatte vi give op, da vi endte i en skov. Men efter at have most mig gennem krat og jeg ved ikke hvad, fandt jeg i view point og turen var det hele vaerd!
River Valley to Wellington
New Zealand's capital city is full of culture, cafes and cable cars!
We head away late after a morning white water rafting or horse riding, and head throughthe rolling hills full of deer, cattle and sheep. We arrive in Wellington late in the afternoon. This city is the undisputed capital of culture, the arts, restaurants, fashion and nightlife. It's home to the largest cultural attraction in New Zealand, Te Papa Museum, which is well worth a look (and it's free).
Halvdelen af gruppen blev i Wellington en ekstra dag, desvaerre! Jeg tog direkte videre paa grund af tidsnoed. I Wellington kunne man ellers have set scenesaettet for Lord of the Rings.
Wellington to Picton to Kaiteriteri
Travel across the stunning Cook Strait to the seaside town of Picton, then on to Kaiteriteri where the beautiful golden sand beach is practically on your doorstep.
You can choose to take the Interislander ferry across to the South Island, through the magnificent Marlborough Sounds; or arrange a flight. Travel via the Pelorous Bridge to Nelson, New Zealand's sunniest city, then on to Kaiteriteri at the edge of the Abel Tasman National Park. You can simply wile away the evening on the golden sand beach just metres from your accommodation. Kaiteriteri is a great spot to begin an adventure (on foot, by kayak or by water taxi) into Abel Tasman National Park.
Her tog nogen af os paa en mindre hike, foerst med watertaxi og derefter en mindre hike gennem nationalparken.
Kaiteriteri to Westport
Snow-capped mountains and adventure activities on the Buller River
Spend the morning kayaking out to Split Apple Rock and along the golden bays nearby Kaiteriteri, looking out for the local marine wildlife; or catch a water taxi to a one of the bays in the Abel Tasman National Park to go for a morning stroll in the native New Zealand forest. A late departure from Kaiteriteri will take us to Westport, so you can meet the team from Buller Adventure Tours where you can experience the best value for money jet boating, horse trekking and quad biking in New Zealand.
Vores bus broed sammen den her dag, saa vi kom saa sent til Westport at vi ikke fik set noget.
Westport to Lake Mahinapua
Continue down the West Coast via the world famous 'Highway 6' and be treated to some amazing sights.
Today we cruise down the spectacular Highway 6 that stretches along the rugged Tasman shoreline. The road winds along diverse landscapes, which never cease to amaze both locals and visitors alike. Highlights include the Cape Foulwind seal colony, rugged beach walks and the Punakaiki Pancake Rocks. Tonight your Driver Guide will arrange a group meal for you at the Mahinapua Hotel, known as the legendary "Poo Pub". It's an awesome evening of fancy dress and a good way to get to know your fellow travellers.
Her havde vi temafest om aftenen p-party. Jeg var klaedt ud som party!
Lake Mahinapua to Franz Josef
Incredible views of glaciers towering over subtropical rainforests.
Our first stop this morning is the Bushman's Centre, where you will get an insight into how people make a living on the coast with helicopter deer recovery, old timber-milling techniques and possum trapping. We then head through to the Franz Josef Glacier Village, nestled in the Westland National Park.
Vi skulle alle have vaeret oppe og se Franz Joseph, men pga. for meget vind blev det aflyst. Som plaster paa saaret tog nogen af os ud paa Fox Glacier i stedet, hvilket var mindst lige saa fedt, dog ingen helikoptertur, hvilket var lidt aergeligt.
Da vi kom tilbage havde folk faaet overtalt buschauffoeren til at blive 8 ekstra timer dagen efter, saa den kunne komme paa franz joseph morgenen efter, hvilket betoed, at os der ikke gjorde det, skulle vente 8 timer i bussen. Ikke specielt spaendende, kan jeg saa sige!
Franz Josef (Extra Day)
We recommend staying an extra night in Franz Josef because there's so much to do there. If you're short on time, you can always skip this extra day, timetable allowing, and get to the next stop sooner.
Today is your chance to hike on the Franz Josef Glacier, rated as one of the top three activities to do in New Zealand, by Kiwi Experience passengers. You could also take the option of a heli-hike, and be flown up the glacier, or take a more sedate approach and explore the various walks in the area.
Franz Josef to Wanaka
Take the time to chill out by Lake Wanaka.
We start out early in order to catch the perfect mirror reflection of Mt Cook and the Southern Alps on Lake Matheson. We then cruise down the last stretch of Highway 6, stopping at popular scenic spots along the way. Then it's into Mount Aspiring National Park, arriving in the awe-inspiring destination of Wanaka in the afternoon.
Wanaka to Queenstown
Adventure capital of New Zealand…and the world!
It's only a short drive today through to New Zealand's adventure capital, Queenstown. Highlights include Puzzling World, skydiving over Lake Wanaka and stopping at the world's first commercial bungy site - the Kawarau Bridge. On arrival in Queenstown you can book all activities and confirm onward bus travel at Base, as well as get a group photo with all your new West Coast mates. Then it's out on the town exploring Queenstown's infamous nightlife with all the crew!
Queenstown (Extra Day)
We recommend staying an extra night in Queenstown because there's so much to do there. If you're short on time, you can always skip this extra day, timetable allowing, and get to the next stop sooner.
Queenstown is rated as one of our passenger's favourite spots to hang out in New Zealand. Take the time to spend a few days here as it is one of the most picturesque places in the world. Make the most of the beautiful lake and surrounding walks, or get into a whole range of adrenalin pumping activities. If there was one activity that you couldn't miss it would be the day trip to Milford Sound, commonly referred to as New Zealand's most beautiful spot!
Queenstown to Christchurch
Head to the 'garden city', with optional drop off points for Mt Cook and rafting in Rangitata
We head out of Queenstown, through the Lindis Pass, so get your cameras ready because this is 'Lord of the Rings' territory. After dropping people in Twizel for the connection to Mt Cook, we travel through to the amazing aqua blue Lake Pukaki, with a stunning view of Mt Cook. We stop for lunch beside Lake Tekapo and the picturesque Church of the Good Shepherd. From there we have a straight run into Christchurch arriving late afternoon.
Aaah ja Christchurch. Mit sidste stop inden turen gik til Philippinerne, stedet for mit dankort blev SPAERRET! Hvis nogen skulle vaere i tvivl, saa er der intet der foeles saa hjaelpeloest, som ikke at have nogen penge, naar man er ude og rejse. nNejnejnej en skandale. Heldigvis, med hjaelp fra mine kaere foraeldre og 100 mislykkede opkald til banken, blev mit kort aabnet igen.
New Zealand kan helt sikkert kaldes eventyrland. Hold op hvor er det smukt - jeg elsker Nord oeen for dens groenne, groenne bakker over alt, med massere af faar og aah. det bare saa flot! Selvom jeg hele tiden forventede at se Gandalf og Frodo springe ud af skoven, staerkt forfulgt af en flok orker, hvilket ikke skete, saaa er jeg helt vildt med New Zealand.
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