Today was the last day in L.A. and as excited as I am to go to San Francisco, I hate having to leave Hollywood. This place has been everything i hoped and so much more & I only hope that the rest of my holiday can be just as amazing, although L.A did set the standards very high!!
Today we went into downtown LA which was an experience..not the best one! Its so crazy how it goes from being such a lit up and happy place in Hollywood to a dull and scary place in Downtown. There are homeless people everywhere, and not just one or two but groups of about 30 all in one little area. It was a quiet dirty and scary and not a place I would want to see again however it was good to see and experience that side of the city. Getting to and from downtown however was a lot of fun! We took the metro-net (underground train) and that was something different. There were parts of the trip that reminded me of home, like the 'tap and go' how you have to tag on and off just like in perth, and then there were also things like the speed of the train which was unlike anything with transperth.
By the time we got back to the hotel i was hot and had blisters all over my feet (note to self: never wear new shoes that are half a size to small when youre going on a big walk through a city that doesnt understand what bandaids are) so I decided to chill out and have a 30min nanna nap..much needed!
Then as poppa requested, we headed to Ripley's Believe It Or Not studio which was actually very interesting! Some of the things we saw were incredible and very mind blowing. But as the day came to an end we realised it was our last night in the city and we needed to make the most of it. So we decided to go to a Chineese Buffet Resturaunt (usually i hate all you can eat places but seeing as though i was starving, craving asian food and everything looked delicious, I was not going to pass on this!!) and damn it was amazing. By the end of the night my shorts felt a few sizes to small but I was extrememly satisfied and tried all things from coconut shrimp to raw tuna sushi (gross, ill probably stick to cooked tuna sushi from now on but it was worth trying it i guess!)
Nanna and I decided to go for one last walk through the streets of Hollywood while poppa hit the pub for one last time and before i knew it, i was re-packing my case and getting everything organized for the 10.30am flight tomorrow. It sucks having to leave L.A. and I really hate to say good bye but I'm so greatful and glad its been incredible and i cant wait to return.
Next stop San Fran!
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