My day stared off at a nice steady pace this morning. Was in no hurry to get going so just slowly got ready and got out of the hostel full of food around 11 O'clock. As today is my first trekking day I started small as planned. The weather wasn't brilliant, I even started off in my raincoat- which I'm sure makes you guys reading this from Wales feel much less envious. I walked down the street to the start of the trail and walked down the stairs to the bottom of The Three Sisters. I then continued west along the trail, through the rainforest to the bottom of the Scenic Railway. One of, if not the biggest tourist attraction in Australia! It's a railway that goes up the side of the cliff and gives you some pretty epic views. But it only shows you things you could see by foot if you really wanted to. It's the lazy persons way out. So I started my way up the stairs - how hard can it be! I took a few steps, turned a corner a saw what was only part of the onslaught that lay ahead. The railway was now looking like the better option. But my ego got the better of me and I wasn't about to turn around. 45 minutes later I got to the top of the stairs, hot and sweaty! The views all day had been gorgeous but now I was back on top of the cliff they were even better. The mountains had an amazing soft light blue haze covering them, hence the Blue Mountains. I headed back east along the top of the cliff towards Echo Point and then back towards my hostel. The path on the cliff top was packed with tourists from all over, I couldn't even get a place for a picture. Not that I wanted one with me in it, I was stinking!
Back in the hostel I started to prepare a bit of a stir fry, which by the size of the pack of rice I bought, I might be having for weeks! It was just rice with veg and a cheeky egg or two from the free food fridge! I struck gold! Was really nice food but cooked a mountain so saved some for the following day.
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