This morning I decided to climb the massive rock formation that was next to our campsite. I got up and down just in time to have a few photos taken and jump on the bus! The views were worth the energetic start! Our first stop on the way to Durango was the Sombrero hat. It is what it says on the tin, a sombrero hat, only upside down!
After our little Kodak moment we moved on and stopped at a Forrest Gump scene which made me happy! It's the scene where he finally decides to stop running and go home! So naturally a few of us decided to reenact it! Although there is a little twist....
After that, i decided to walk from Arizona, through New Mexico and Colorado just to get to Utah....You think I'm joking but after our filming session we went on to the four corners. This is where the four states of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado all meet! Which now puts my states tally for this trip up to 6!
We then moved onto a really interesting Cliff Dwelling. For those of you that don't know, this is a dwelling in a cliff! We had a hour guided tour around the Native American village before continuing to Durango!
We stocked up on food and enjoyed an amazingly cooked omelette. It's cooked in boiling water inside a plastic sandwich bag to reduce the number of dishes! It was really good too, genius!
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