After thinking it could get no better we arrived in Koh Phangan, which has 1 main road and yet is the most touristy place so far. We spent our days by the pool and our nights partying with buckets of whiskey and various pool and beach parties. After much shoe loss at said parties, Vicky was driven to insanity and has since discovered a lust for petit theft (the offending items can be viewed in the photos). In our defence the loss of our shoes was not completely due to drunken stupor, many a tourist can be found wandering bewildered along the beach in search of a pair of flip-flops in their size to compensate for the loss of their own, and a popular t-shirt reads "Has anybody seen my shoes??!!"
Clare can be found lurking in the darkness in search of the GODAWFUL rooster which refuses to let us sleep, with fantasies of wringing its neck. Its continuous crowing assures us that she hasn't yet succeeded...
After much postponement and anticipation the full moon party finally rolled around, and was as crazy as we had been informed. An entire beach jammed with 10000 people, fire dancing, people skipping in a giant skipping rope of fire, bodies covered in illumionous paint, bodies passed out all over the beach, all very surreal. The party is still going on as we type this at almost 7pm the next day, but clearly we did not make it quite that far, despite being Irish and this type of behaviour being expected from us...(many people have been very disappointed with our drinking abilities)
So that brings us pretty much up to date, sorry that this particular blog hasn't as much detail, we are from this point setting aside our buckets and look forward to some sober activities, for now...Next stop Phuket...
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