We get home from players to hear a house party going on in the street. Oh yeah it's our house, the girls from Chicargo turned up the heat and the house was alive. Pjs on and few glasses of Vals Cognaci went down well ( too well). trying to catch Becki in a mid air photo shot was hilarious 3 cameras and no one got a shot. Vickys was about the best. After that we all got into our tanzanian footie shirts got some posing pics, planking was fun the water bottles was a challenge ( good idea Becki). Then it went crazier we played murder in the dark. lots of good places to hide in our house. no one would find you behind the curtains would they Vicki ( you would still been there only for you laughing). the best hiding place was the brick fireplace I curled up inside, Amy squeezed in, Becki next ( I mean how many girls can you get in a fireplace). Then Vicki, Val and Sarah decided to lay flat I front of fireplace. Poor Christina could not see 7 women squashed in a hole in the wall. Trying not to laugh and wet my pants it was so funny watching Christina puzzled wondering were we all was. She was so close to us it was hard for her not to see us. The game then changed into sardines or somat. If you found people you had to squash in their hiding place. Becki, vicki and I hid in the kitchen. Girls at side of fridge I climbed in behind fridge sat in window ledge. Not the best especially when the back of a fridge has a hot element ( bit too close so had move fridge out a bit. Val found girls and squeezed in-between boxes and mops. she didn't see me so when i stroked her hair she freaked out when she see me trying to camouflage into the fridge. Blown up Santa had a great time too. We finished off with a dance on tables ( watch that chandelier Sarah) and a game of UNO before sneaking into bed before the allnighters return at breakfast.
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