Our Journey to Juiz de Fora
I did not go to sleep last night until 12:15 - I was anticipating today and could not sleep.I did manage to sleep until 6:00 and then I woke up and finished my ironing and started packing.We had breakfast and then a short worship session and finished packing.The Bus was supposed to be at the mission at 10:30 so we could load our stuff ad then eat lunch at 11:00 and then depart for Juiz de Fora.We ended up packing up after lunch and we still left on time.Celio our bus driver was stuck in traffic on the way to the mission and when he arrived there he had a serious headache.I counted it as pure joy that satan was trying to disrupt our plans.If he is not pestering you then you maybe should look to see what you are doing. Before leaving Emma and Virginia made a video to say hi to everyone at home if I can figure out how I will post it to the blog.
During the first two hours of our trip I was video taping the neighborhoods because I thought it was amazing that there were so many very poor neighborhoods.I began to feel guilty and thought I would tape the nice neighborhood as we passed them so I would not be sending such a depressing picture of Brazil home but, we did not pass one middle class neighborhood for the first hour and a half we drove.There were miles and miles of destitute projects.We even went across the seven mile bridge and it was unusual that we saw no pleasure craft - not even one in seven miles of water.After we neared Petropolis we started seeing nicer houses.We even saw several resorts.The Mountains were beautiful.
We ate a snack at a German coffee shop in Petropolis and I had the first caffeine since I have been here (I have drank mostly water to purify my body and to avoid stimulants like caffeine - I want to be operating on Holy Spirit Power). Incidentally, I have not had to take any pain relievers for headaches and muscle pains.I did have Emma pray for pain near my shoulder but I think that was a closet in my soul that needed to be cleaned out and after she prayed the discomfort left me. In Petropolis we had a pastry that tasted like a cross between tiramisu and chocolate covered cheesecake it was delicious.The coffee was about 50 percent of a very rich cream and the rest coffee and it was wonderful too - very smooth and creamy… The roads all the way to Petropolis were extremely rugged.I am pleased to report that they did not cause Emma any problem.After Petropolis we were on an interstate toll road and it was a much more comfortable ride.
During our ride in one remote area I saw two women who were getting water from a spring coming out of the side of the mountain where the rock was cut away for the highway.We also saw these huge anthills - some of them were six feet tall and there were several entire mountains covered with them.When we arrived it Juiz de Fora I was expecting to see a city like Teresopolis but I was greatly surprised.The city reminds me more of a cross between New York City and Asheville, NC.There were some very steep streets and lots and lots of people and traffic.The streets are lined with many small shops just like New York.
We checked into the hotel Serrano and we had time to take a quick shower before we walked the 6 blocks to the church (Like New York it is quicker to walk a few block than to take the bus into the traffic).We had a very nice dinner at the church and then we went to the Sanctuary to pray for the Church, pews and all of the praise team members.We had a great time of prayer before the LISS even started.We were surprised that more than 400 people came.
Elizabeth gave a wonderfully personal and intense talk on the Spirit of worship.Before she was finished she was dancing before the Lord.Afterward we went into the pews to pray for people and as we were praying for them they began to come to the front altar for prayer.The altar was so crowded that you could barely walk to the front because the isles were so crowded with people on their knees praying (does this sound familiar Gray Chapel).There were several people that rested in the Spirit on this evening.
Afterwards we were standing around and "Joseph" came into the church and sat down on the front pew.Joseph had wandered in off the street and came and sat on the front row after pretty much everything was over and we were preparing to have a snack in the canteen before we walked back to the hotel.Several other team members and I felt we should pray for him.I anointed his feet and then Pam and Parker and I began to pray for his deliverance from the demon of alcohol which oppressed him. (unfortunately you could smell he had been consuming alcohol).After he began to cry you could see a smile come to his face and you knew he had been delivered.When we were leaving a church I noticed a church member came and brought Joseph some shoes - I am excited that Joseph received more than shoes tonight.That brings me to the subject of my talk tomorrow "The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Adoption".One of the points of the talk is how when the prodigal son returned his father sent sandal to put on his feet to symbolize that when we are adopted into Gods family he clothes us in righteousness and puts sandals on our feet.God is so good - I have now added Joseph to my talk and I will challenge the church to see that Joseph is adopted by the church so that the demon may not return. (coincidentally my talk refers to our foster son Joseph whom I am sure you have heard me say he came to live with us because he wanted us to feed him and buy him tennis shoes).
Well it is late and I need to pray before I retire for the night.Thank you for your prayers and I know tomorrow is going to be even better than today.I love you all, Bobby.
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