Hello everyone Australia is having a heatwave at the moment it has been in the low 30's and is going to get hotter next week reaching 40!!! so in other words we are MELTING. It is too hot for me (Lucy) we have got burnt a few times and are applying suncream every few hours.
Friday we went to Kings Park where we got beautiful views of the city center, and enjoyed a very slow walk round the park, stopping for water breaks every half an hour. This weekend we have two beach days, Sat we went to Cottosloe beach which was a lovely day but it was very windy I was grateful for the brezze and today we have been to the City beach which was a 30 min bus ride. It was gorgeous white sand and the such blue sea. We enjoyed jumping the waves and trying to dodge the sun.
Tommorrow we are hoping to buy a car which will hopefully be a Holden Commodore with aircon!then it will be much easier for us to see the suburbs of Perth and we can enjoy picnics by the beach and Lakes.
Hope everyone is ok and your not too cold over in England :) xxx
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