Wie gehts? Ich bin auch in Australia, aber dar ist kein Kangaroo oder wombats. Dar ist schnitzel und das berg. Der surf ist nicht als gut wie ich gedenken. Wien ist sehr schoen und alles gut.
Grandma C
Hi C and P
All is forgiven - I have just been looking at all your piccies. They are super - I'm waiting for Ida to come round this evening to shown them to her.
Have fun in Oz - Grandma C
Hi you two,
thanks for keep it up with the blogs cat - much better than the short ones from phil ;) no offence, phil. The photos look great, must have been exciting to see all those animals.
Well over here it's as unstable as it's always been...thanks to the financial crisis i lost my job (well even the rich ones look after their money more carefully). did a teacher taster course last week and try and get a teaching assistant job now and do the pgce next year. though still apply for other stuff and then see what happens...also met a guy from jo'burg a month ago. went on really well, but unfortunately he took a job in bristol and moves there now...try and keep it up but not sure if it's gonna work...at least my change of housemates (two are gone and two are therefore new) been a great choice and so far it's going great.
anyway that's all news i got for now.
keep the blogs and pics going.
love uta xxx
Dar C&P
I am managing to navigate my way around the blog a bit better. I have even looked at Phils photos of Malawi.Glad you are enjoying oz- get surfing and see if it is better than Poly Joke!!!
Enjoy yourselves as I am sure you will
Love Mum
Sue & Paul
Now that's a better blog we like to have all the details tell Phil but he did send one and that's the main thing! Bet you're looking forward to Australia as well that will be a totally different adventure again!
G'Day for now love AC & PP xxxx
Rosemary And Nigel
Am not a greater blogger!! but pleased to hear of all your adventures in Tanzania. We had a great time at our Russian friend Elena's wedding last week. This weekend Teresa and Jude and Bernie have come to stay.
Lookng forward to hearing your impressions of Aus. Could make Nigel change his mind about it be a boring uninteresting place to visit!!
Hi Phil,
I've just had a look at the chikupira page- very interesting - that must be your pal Tim in the photographs. Have fun - Grandma C
Wow! I can see that the Cripps' are lagging behind the Fox's. I'd better write a lot to make up for our lack of posts. Although, it obviously runs in the family - remember that quality is better than quantity Phils...
Glad to hear you're both well and managed to avoid Africa bumbata (although maybe you're just being polite by not mentioning it - see this is why I don't write on your message board!)
Looking forward to your posts from Oz. Be sure to tell us how many pies you've had- I think Bernie managed to average 3 a day when we were there, so there's a target for you.
And be sure to discuss with everyone you meet whether or not VB is the best aussie beer. And don't be surprised when you see kangaroos everywhere.
OK, that's quite enough rubbish advice, have fun!
Hey Cat and Phil!
Sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'm very jealous! I think it's about time you put some photos on here so we can see all these amazing sights and how burnt you actually are!
Have fun in Oz, drink lots of goon!
Love Jen xx
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P-- Thats more like it- we need to feel we are there with you. Don't give in Phil, have another go at the blog- we won't be so critical next time
Love Mum
Louise F
Hey Cat and Phil!! Im so sorry i havnt been in touch! Sounds like you're having such an amazing time! Sheffield is the same as always, although a bit strange without everyone here! My house is lovely tho and am enjoying 4th year! Maybe having a little bit too much fun as the work hasnt kicked in yet! Its lovely reading bout your adventures, cant wait to hear more!! (am also very jealous and it is def making me want to go travelling!) will write again soon, lots of love lou xxxxx
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P
back from Le Touchet in France- very nice place and the weather was super all weekend. Busy week ahead but will catch up with you when I can. Take care