Hi there - I managed to fight y way thro' the problems and get to your blog the long way round. Amazed to see you can get a message from cousin Rob - I shall have to move to Oz to make contact with him!
I'm going to check if there are more interesting pictures on the blog - love Grandma
Cousin Rob
Hello again. Have looked at more animals. In answer to Clare and Petes question i am indeed going home for at least a couple of days for christmas. So I shall se ye then.
Cousin Rob
Briliant pictures of primates! (They had tails and Baboons are a type of Ape, Apes have no tails, so I think they were probably monkeys and not Baboons by the way) I never knew they ate birds! Though it isn't surprising since as far as i'm aware primates are opportunists who will eat pretty well anything. You can still legitimately think they are cute though because animals have no concept of ethics, so they can't be evil. In fact you should expect every creature to have an evil side or else it wouldn't have been able to survive. The fact is as a fledgling philosopher I am bound to inform you that nature is morally and ethically blind. You should be grateful to see stuff like that. Attenborough has to squat in the bushes for hours for it! I can't wait to see the film.
Philip & Cat
Enjoyed looking at the safari photo's, you spotted some fabulous wild life. Please keep the pictures coming.
Continue to enjoy.
love Dad & Mum
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P
How's the campervan going- I hope your navigating is holding up Catherine!!
We have 'man flu' in Settle so Grandma is coming up this weekend and we will entertain ourselves.
Going to Edingburgh for the Hygienist Annual Conference on Thurs-Sat then on Sun we go to Barcelona so we will not be around much to email.
Have you been following the Rugby- Dad is watching it at the moment (Sat 15th am) and we are holding our own against the Kiwis.
Going to meet Grandma in Skipton now
Take care- love to you both
Hey Bruv,
Thanks for the message. I will indeed make sure we go to that hotel in Malawi. I reckon Bernie will be able to get some interesting photos of the sky that's the same colour as the water.
Hope you're having fun in your campervan. We're doing a trial run next weekend. Bernie has hired a campervan and he's getting very excited about grills and windswept beaches in the wilderness. However, we're only going to the New Forest so I doubt we'll have as much fun as you are...
I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of you posing on Manly beach, looking well... Manly.
Keep the captions coming, they make I chuckle. Hugs to both xx
Sue & Paul
Hi Cat/Phil
Just printed of your latest blog for me and your grandma to read at home,
As your mum & dad said had a good time at the dance your dad was so funny dancing like Elvis (you can imagine!). David said he gets 2 out of 10!!!
Lots of love
Ac & PP xxxx
Grandma C
Hello C and P
I've just enjoyed your photos and blog - am lookng forward to seeing the ones of Oz. The trip rom Malawi to Tanzania looked very exciting - but a bit short of folks in parts!
Cheerio - Grandma
Clare And Peter
Dear C&P
The blogs are well worth waiting for. I guess Phil is the photo wizard! Please can we have some oz pictures?
OSC Dinner Dance celebrating 50 years last night- had a good time- resting today. Will try to phone you on Sunday morning (our time)
Love Mum and Dad
Nigel Cripps
Philip, Cat
Thanks for the new blog and photos. Philip we stayed in the same lodge in the Mulanjee mountain foothills. My excuse for not climbing to the top was forest fires. Looked wonderful at the top, wish we had made the effort.
Speak to you soon.
Love Dad & Mum
Rosemary Cripps
Hello both
Hope the driving is going well. Looking forward to your next blog update. Nigel has been in London in 7th heaven attending a future of public transport conference!! Plus he saw J and B. B has had a job offer to set up a software franchise for the restaurant concept so they are delaying traveling by 12 months. Sad for their wander lust but at least we'll see them more frequently!
Thinking of you both
Love R and N
Grandma C
Hello Travellers
Thought of you today C. whilst I was treking round the shops in Leeds - super new TK Maxx has opened on the Headrow- just the place to waste some money, but I didn't. I'll be out planting daffodil bulbs on the Green tomorrow - a bit of sunshine would be a help, but I don't expect much. Cheerio for now - Grandma C