Ooooooooooooooooops - I meant ..... Hi Catherine and Phil ........... (senior moment!!)
Great Aunty Moira
Hi Catherine & Pete, just to let you know I'm following you - not literally but through The Blog (scary isn't it). Farthest I've been is Tenerife... Hope you are both having the best time as it must be a wonderful experience. (Bet you never guessed I could do this did you Catherine?)
Grandma C
That was going to be my question - where are you Phil, we need to know about Malawi too - Grandma C
Clare And Pete
Phil- why aren't you blogging?
I know Catherine talks alot but you need to get your experiences on the web.
Hope you are enjoying yourself- take care
Clare and Pete and David
Graham & Jenny
Hope your ready for the baby sitting marathon in OZ!
Better rest up with a few beers
Sue & Paul
Whoa Catherine it all sounds amazing! It's good you're seeing more of the real Africa as well as the town. I'm loving reading your blogs it's like reading a book!
love AC & PP xxx
Clare And Peter
Dear Catherine
It all sounds to be a fantastic experience- you will find australia totally different.
The walking will keep you fit- you havn't mentioned the food yet- is that me being a fussy mum! Taks care and enjoy
Love mum
Grandma C
I don't know how my internet address got onto the previous message.
Hello Catherine - at last, a new blog. How very interestng it allseems. I'm glad you are seeing some of the village Africa and not just the towns. I went on the net to read up about Moshi and it almost seemed European, but it seems you have to walk a bit to get the feel of it. I used to love it when the students talked to me about their villages, and how simple life was. Keep the messages coming and ave fun. love Grandma
Hey honey!! Glad you made it ok! We told you that the airport would be in English! Sounds like you having a brill time so far, everything sounds like its going ok! Well its been weeing it down with rain since you left so you're missing much! Update us when you can, im intruiged to hear all about it! Much love, take care xx
Hey Cat,
Glad you made it! I'm pleased you found your way through all those airports! Sounds like you're having a fab time - hope your first week volunteering goes well!
Love Jen xx
Grandma C
Hi - glad u have arrived safely and things are comfortable (water and elec!). It sounds really exciting - fancy having Masai warriors to escort you! I wrote earlier this p.m. but the computer went down and wouln't send, so have had to wait a while. Have sent your details to Tom so he can let Uncle John know what you are doing. Have fun - stay safe. Grandma C.