Hope things are still going well on your latest adventure!
Got the sailing club dance tomorrow night so I'll be emailing you the details of that - I'll let you know what your dad is like on the dancefloor (tee hee).
lots of love
AC & PP xxx
Roger Taylor
Greetings from Green Head Lane and a grey day in Settle. Just picked up your blog address from Claire, as I thught it would be good to drop you a line from time to time, perhaps sending you some different news from the home front.
Later today Chris and I will sit down in front of the computer and catch up with your travels and photographs. Looking forward to getting some sense of where you have been and what you have been up to. We have heard bits and pieces from time time to time and know you are both well, but it will be good to have it in your own voices, as it were.
When you have time, please pack a lrage box of warm sunshine as dull and chilly here.
Love from us both.....Roger & Chris
Clare And Peteand David
Dear C&P
Your parcels arrived today. David has been dying to open them so I let him dive into the large one.It's now in your bedroom awaiting your return.
Hope you are both well- how is the navigating going Catherine?
Love Mum
Hey love!!!
Sorry I haven't written in ages. Your trip sounds amazing - i hope you are having a fantastic time - it definatly sounds like you are.
Keep putting the blogs up. Take care. Love xx
Grandma C
Hello C and P
Your trip sounds really exciting - DEFINITELY something you won't forget in a hurry. Got your cards from your mum, also got one of Las Vegas from Lorna by a similar method of post. - Love
Clare And Pete
Lovely to speak to you today- must put a picture of Ayres Rock next to Pen y ghent in the bunkhouse!!
Give my love to Kirsti and Justin and keep blogging!!
Love Mum and Dad and Dreadful
Phils, loving the photo captions. Keep them coming!
Your favourite sister x
Sue & Paul
Hi Cat & Phil
Just to say hi having been thinking about you while I was in Nice - it was so hot like I'm sure it will be over there!
Hope things going well and you're having the time of your lives!
Just emailed too so look out for that.
lots of love
AC & PP xxx
Dear C&P horrible weather again this weekend- I think you have got the best idea!!
Everyone fine here- begining to miss you now.Perhaps I need to do somethin interesting instead of the ironing!!!
Take Crae
Love Mum
Sitting here in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, with the wind howling and the rain coming past the window sidewards. We are not jealous one little bit.
Just going to have a look at the 184 photos!
Rpsemary & Nigel
great photos of malawi, safari, shiree river and the lake. Brought back great memories of our trip there . Looks like same bird was still nesting on the morning safari boat! We saw a sea eagle nesting at the safari park but nothing like your piccies of them hunting.
love from us
Hi C and P
I knew you would lovw Oz. Am looking forward to seeing the safari pics. in a few mins. when we have sent this meassage.
Have a great time in Australia - say 'hello' to Melbourne for me. Take care -Ida