Do you really think that about six lines will do after you have been to see elephants and lions and alsorts on safari - then srriving at a tropical island, where we would all give our eye teeth to be at this time of the year. Much more news please!
We will never be able to make a full length film of your trip with this amount of info.
Lots of love - Grandma C
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P Thanks for the blog message- phil you need to watch your spelling as Grandma C will be checking it!!
Like the picture- Dad says he 'hates you already!!' Speak to you soon-oh we are in France this weekend so make it next week
Love Mum and Dad
Sue & Paul
Hi Cat
thank you for my lovely birthday pressie I love it!!!! I also love my bracelet - in fact it made me and your mum cry when I read out your note!!!!!
lots of love
AC & PP xxxxxx
Clare And Peter
Dear C&P, where are you? Like to know what you are up to now We are gardening- your dad has built me a raised herb garden.It's lovely weather again
Dads back to work tomorrow and we start again with meetings etc.
Going back to the garden now- Take Care
Love Mum
Grandma C
Hello C and P - (it's like e mailing your mum and dad) Lovely summer weather here lately - a bit late but it will do. I went to the new museum the other day - it's very nice and has another good coffee spot to add to the Tiled Hall.
Keep the blogs coming - I keep everyone entertained by repeating them. love - Grandma C
Sue & Paul
Hi Cat & Phil
Doing a sneaky email whilst on my own in the office - I know very naughty! Enjoying it here today though you'll be glad to know!
Just printed off your latest blog for your Grandma - hope you got our emails.
Lots of love AC & PP xxxx
Clare And Pete
Dear Catherine and Phil
Arrived home from Cephalonia this afternoon. Washing straight on of course!!!Have read your blog and email- keep them coming. The sunset over Killi- did it make you want to climb up there?
Going to cook tea(Pizza for Dad) Take care- love mum and Dad
Hi everyone
thanks for all your messages - is great to hear from everyone. Will write to you all individually in the next few weeks when we (hopefully!) find faster internet connection, we promise! keep in touch, its great to read mesages from everyone, and keep looking out for new blog posts! Love Cat and Phil xxx
Hi Cat (and Phil)
Still fallowing your adventures from this tiny, cold and rainy country. With your stories I feel like I'm in Africa for a second :)
Very nice! Lots a love xxx
Bek T
hiiiiiii cat and phil!!!sorry i havnt msgd you lately ive had no internet but ive just registered at the local library so thought id say hi!!it sounds like you really are having an amazing adventure!! i miss you so much, uni started last week and its all very daunting as most of the people have come from the college so they all seem very clued up and set in their disciplines. i on the other hand have too many ideas and too many things i want to do this year that im going to have to narrow them down! im so glad its going well for u both and cat, il send u msg on facebook you.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have returned from Califoria, it was fun. we are fine. Please see email.
Hey, Loving reading your blog sounds like you've been having loads of fun, it's making me VERY jealous!!!!
Phil, I'm still waiting for my postcard, it must have been delayed i nthe long distance post :p