We joined a tour to go to a concentration camp close to Berlin, it was about an hour out on the train. We spent about 3 hours walking around the camp with a tour guide, it was very sad experience realising what they had been through. This camp was a work camp, some other camps were known death camps, even thorough it was a work camp most people were worked to death they did 12-14 hours of work a day on about 400 calories, the camp was surpose to hold 10000 people but most of the time held 30000 people with four people sleeping on one bunk. The camp was only originally only for men but women and children ended up here, most women were used for prostotution and most died from disease and botched abortions.The camp was made out to the public,that it was a rehabilitation camp people that first was in here were convicts, rappists, gays and then the Jews who were treated the worst. The people were given a coloured triangle depending on why they were in there, Jews had a yellow triangle. This camp was a work camp but over its time it was open which was about 20 - 25 years 30000-60000 people died they are unsure of the exact number and that's why it's a big variance. People died from disease, torture, medical experimentation, Suicide and trying to escape. The temperature at this camp can vary from summer being 38 degrees to -30 in winter and the prisoners only had stripped PJ to wear all the time, so many people died from frostbite. One story the lady told us was about 80 people who one day were made to stand out side for 12 hours in the snow as there was no work for them to do, a few people died that day but many died days after due to the frostbite. The prisoners were sent out of the camp to work, as they were employed by local companies such as VW, BMW, local train companies and many more and if there was no work they would be made to stand in the one spot for the whole day. A lot of the building no longer exist but there is a couple still there which have been renovated a little to make them last and have been made into museums.
It was a interesting but sad day but well worth the visit.
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