Left the dirty dusty hell hole of a caravan park at 7.00am this morning . Fryze comment " The Caravan park from hell" .
They would not even let us leave our rubbish we had to take it with us.
Insulting after paying half a gold bar to stay there. Mr B loved the showers at night, no roof so he watched stars while he had a shower. No lights either so it was wash by feel. He missed the dirt on his feet.
This one here is like heaven- tie and suit required . Fitroy Crossing is a dry town( bad luck for us seeking alcohol) Mrs F can't find a bottle of brandy to replenish the stocks, (she has run out). the boys didn't buy beer as all they have is light.
Fryze needs to spoil his Mrs a little - sleeping in the loft doesn't do it for Mrs M.
Had a day off no b.......y gorges today. In europe you see lots of Cathedrals, in Asia its temples, well Auz its gaps and gorges.
Can't decided whether to make a run for the sea - derby - or go look at 2 more gorges.
The Hindmarsh Island Team are in Karratha moving northward slowly.
Photo is of Brad resting at Halls creek - he's exhausted poor dear
- comments
Iristotle You seem to be really enjoying your holiday Mrs B and Mr B. What about your caravan, we have not heard much about it. Have the three of you Mr and Mrs and Caravan got a shared future after Broome.