Peter and Caroline's Most Excellent Adventure!!!
Well we said next time you saw us we could be on Panorama knowing what our usual record of disaster and mayhem is like!! So here we are by an active volcano. It errupted last week - not sure if it made the news in England or not. It was still erupting whilst we were there but the town hadn't been evacuated just yet so we thought what the hell lets go there!! It was a bit like a ghost town though - free from tourists only the locals persisted. Our tour guide is a loony so he thought where's the harm its only on yellow alert after all!
Not content with staying in the valley we decided to take our limo (see piccies) up to the crater of the volcano but unfortunately the thing was spewing too much stuff out so we only got two thirds of the way up before bad weather got the better of us. We had a few beers anyway and funnily enough it wasn't that cold!! Could have something to do with all that lava above us!?
Caroline had another birthday party inclusive of another cake supplied by our lunatic tour guide - what a star!! Stayed in a seriously lovely hotel and recovered quickly from our Amazon experience. Strange how we still keep checking our shoes every morning though!!!
Banos is famed for its thermal springs which we didn't go in just looked at because we were still too hung over from the party. All those flamming (literally) sugar brew drinks they were giving us for free!! We were offered a horse off a local but we decided we couldn't fit it in our back packs. There was so much to do! Some guys went canyoning, others white water rafting and others mountain biking....some of our group cycled 45ks upwards - insanity!!
We had a good time and set off for Cuenca in South Ecuador enroute to Peru our next country to explore!!!
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