Transition day... Today we leave Nice and catch 3 trains to Venice. Our first train leaves at 1:30pm and we arrive in Venice at 10:30pm. The second train we were on today was the worst even though it was first class. We were on it for 4 hours. The air conditioning didn't work well at all, you could barely feel it and cause it was an airconditioned train it had very few windows. We were in a six seater compartment with a wee window at the top. It was just the three of us at first so we had the window open to let a breeze in, it was still hot though. I fell asleep and woke up in a puddle of sweat, I look over at Clint and Lauzi and their faces are red raw and they are sweating too. Next to me is an old Italian lady, and she has shut the frigging window. We argued with her, and tried to tell her that the airconditioning isn't working but we couldn't understand each other. I heard her say "freddo" which I knew meant cold and I said "No it's not freddo, it's stifling in here!" She didn't want us to open the window but I had to, I could barely breath. I opened it and she started going off in Italian and gave us filthy looks the whole way. It was pretty funny now that we look back at it. Photo is of the very first canal we saw when we arrived in Venice.
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